With the Help of His Dog Crash, Nick Smith Is Building Better Habits and Loving Life

The Principal Customer Success Manager is taking advantage of earlier mornings, better sleep, and walks outside.

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The biggest positive change I’ve made in my life so far is adopting my dog, Crash. One of my greatest joys is making his adventure dreams come true, whether it be exploring the mountains and snow of the Pacific Northwest, checking out the beaches of California, or meeting doggy friends in dog parks on cross country roadtrips (we've been to 23 states together!). In addition to being my best friend and physical trainer, he provides a wonderful daily structure and set of habits that have been instrumental for my well-being. Crash is the best alarm clock, and waking up at regular times and starting my days with a good walk and natural light have led to big improvements in my sleep and productivity during the day. Perhaps his greatest gift has been the constant reminder to enjoy the present moment and be curious and excited about what's around the next corner.

Getting better sleep has been the anchor for all of my well-being practices. If I'm sleeping well, it makes it so much easier to get more exercise, eat better, improve my focus, and maintain the type of connection I want to have with my friends and family. As important as it is, I was surprised when I first joined Thrive that it's also one of the easiest goals to commit to with super impactful Microsteps. Charging my phone in the kitchen rather than the bedroom, for example, has not only given me higher quality sleep, it's also reignited my nighttime reading habit and has helped me create more space in the morning for meditation, dog walks, and visualizing the day ahead.

Published on
July 5, 2023
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