Olympian Dara Torres on Her Favorite Movement Microstep

It’s all about preparation.

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There are a multitude of benefits to working out in the morning, from weight loss to helping curb cravings to boosting productivity and work performance. But it can be tough to do consistently. Here, 12-time Olympic medalist and professional Dara Torres tells Thrive about the Microstep that helps her show up for a morning workout. 

”Have everything set up the night before so your morning goes smoothly,” she says. “That’s my time-saving secret. I have my clothes laid out… It makes my mornings much easier!”

And there’s science to back that up, too. “This simple step is very smart. What it does is remove barriers to the desired behavior,” says Talya Miron-Shatz, Ph.D., a decision scientist and visiting researcher at Cambridge University. “The idea is that you want to exercise, but in the morning everything is complicated. In the evening, when we’re more on top of it, we lay out the clothes: problem solved.”

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Published on
February 12, 2020
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