Morning Walks Help Emily McInerney Exercise, Learn, and Connect with Herself

Starting her day by getting some fresh air with her dog is key for this Director of Customer Success Operations.

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Covid helped me develop a very fulfilling morning routine. Before then, it was always a mad rush to get out the door. Now I go to bed early and wake up early so I have plenty of time for my self-care routine, which includes walking my dog, exercising, and making a good breakfast. Because I get so much done in the morning, I have more time in the evening to spend quality time with friends and family.

In addition to helping me get things done, my morning routine also helps me connect with myself. I take my dog for a 20-30 minute walk every morning while listening to an audiobook. I’m getting outside and learning something new, and it brings me out of my own personal worries and cluttered headspace.

Published on
July 12, 2023
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