Maytal Phillips Shares How She Rests, Reconnects With Herself and Clears Her Mind

The Customer Success Manager at Thrive says walking with her partner, reading, and dancing bring her joy.

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A while back, I decided to make a positive change in my life by taking a 20-minute walk every single day — no matter what the weather was like. My daily walk has become a great habit that has had a huge impact on my back pain. I walk with my partner, and it gives us quality time together away from our devices. Inevitably we always have a good conversation and laugh, so I treasure our walks.

On busy days, I love carving out time to connect with myself by doing something I enjoy. I’ll schedule 20 minutes to either read or do a crossword puzzle. I gave up social media and I've found reading to be an incredible alternative on a break, helping me to reconnect and get back to feeling like myself. I also love to dance. Even if it's a quick dance break, as I move, I feel my body align and my mind clear.

One Microstep that’s helping me thrive and unplug is keeping my phone outside my bedroom at night. It has been a complete game changer in the areas of sleep and connection. Not only does it ensure my partner and I have quality time together, I also wake up feeling well rested. I don’t feel anxious to read my emails immediately.

The most influential well-being practice I’ve established has been a daily call I have with two  friends where we clear what's there for us, we create the day, and we acknowledge ourselves for something. That simple daily acknowledgement has a huge impact on my mental health. 

My favorite Thrive Reset: Barely Dancing all the way! I love dancing. My favorite Thrive recipe is Spinach and Smoked Salmon Frittata. And my favorite Thrive learning course is Thriving Mind — knowing what my biotype is and how to work through it has been a saving grace.

What brings me joy in my life? So much I don't know where to begin: travel, laughter, spending time with my family, slow cooking — and being anywhere near a warm ocean.

Published on
September 6, 2023
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