Spending Time in Nature Helps Isobel Brinkworth Recharge

During a stressful day, the Customer Success Associate makes sure to get her dose of sunshine.

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Growing up as an athlete, movement was a big part of my life. But after graduating college, I've found it harder to be consistent. I've been exploring new ways to move during my work days, like going on a walk during lunch or doing a one-minute stretch, and it's been a great way for me to reset my focus.

On busy days, taking a few minutes to go outside allows my mind and body to recharge. Just a quick dose of sunshine and fresh air can make all the difference in my day. Other times, I'll schedule my favorite stress-relieving activity after work: a boxing class or a long walk with a friend. Scheduling activities after work helps me reset my mindset for the next day.

Published on
August 3, 2023
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