Chris Rontanini Shares How Committing to His Own Health and Well-Being Changed His Life and Inspires Others

The Customer Success Associate at Thrive says a consistent work-out routine along with moments of peace and quiet bring him joy.

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About six years ago, I began my fitness and well-being journey. I developed a consistent routine, incorporating training, nutrition, and rest that has completely changed my life. I made sure my routine would be something that I could commit to — and it's stuck ever since. In addition to the impact it’s had on my own life, I’ve been able to motivate the people in my circle too, and I've started to train clients myself, based on what I've learned. Exercising and drinking a glass of water as soon as I wake up have both had a positive impact on my life. Exercise is easy for me to commit to — it's become a staple in my everyday life. Now, I find I almost need the physical and mental stimulus that comes from a great workout. Thrive Microsteps, like drinking a glass of water as soon as I wake up, also have a positive impact on my life.  

I know that rest is instrumental to our well-being. And I would say that for me, getting enough sleep is still challenging, especially because no week here at Thrive is the same. However, I am trying to be more diligent about having a regular bedtime and waking up at the same time every morning.

On busy days, carving out time to connect with myself is important. And it may sound silly, but on those days, I schedule time to purposefully zone out! Whether that means staring out of a window, going for a walk, or just closing my eyes — I find that turning off for a few minutes helps to relax me so I come back stronger and fully present. 

Thrive Reset is another valuable tool. I find that watching a Reset (a 60 second guided meditation video) at the beginning of the afternoon is always extremely valuable. This is usually the time of day I experience a natural dip in energy, and that can lead to me feeling overwhelmed. So once I sense that feeling coming on, I listen to a Reset in a quiet room. My favorite is Wonders of the World, which always takes me to a place of complete relaxation!

Peace and quiet bring me joy. I also find joy in making sure that my personal and professional responsibilities align with my mission: doing my best to help make other people’s lives better.

Published on
September 22, 2023
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