Brenna Russell on Why She Makes Time for Movement Every Day

The Senior Customer Success Manager at Thrive Global shares how regular exercise boosts her energy.

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On busy days, I always try to find time for movement. One Microstep that helps me thrive is to plan a time each day to take a walk outside. During the workday, I block my calendar for lunch and take a quick walk to re-energize me before my afternoon. And after the workday is over, I always do a workout to help release any tension or stress from my day. Additionally, workouts give me a release of energy, so I’m more motivated to cook dinner, do errands, or things around the house before relaxing at night.

In my daily life, exercising has had the biggest influence on me. Not only is exercising good for me physically, it’s important for me mentally. It’s normally the only time during the day that I focus on myself and nothing else. I can get in the zone and forget about outside factors that may be causing me stress. Additionally, it provides me with increased energy levels, time to think creatively, and exercise helps me sleep better.

I always try to prioritize sleep, nutrition, and exercise. Of those three well-being essentials, nutrition can be the hardest, given my environment — and depending on what my schedule looks like each day. However, I try my best to keep nutrient-dense meals and snacks that I can quickly grab, so I’m less motivated to grab something unhealthy. My favorite Thrive recipe is the shrimp and veggie stir fry! I always add some rice, tortillas, or pasta as well. On weekends, we travel a lot and sometimes I don't have access to the foods I normally have on-hand. But I always try to incorporate vegetables, fruit, and lots of water into my day, if I’m not following my typical meal plan. 

Nourish to Thrive is my favorite Thrive learning course because it talks about the science behind the food we eat. Most people probably don't realize that what we put inside our bodies every day impacts our energy, sleep, focus — and even our burnout levels! I also really love nutrition and I enjoy learning about how to make improvements in my diet. 

My favorite Thrive Reset is Waves. The beach is my favorite place on earth!

Published on
September 22, 2023
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