For many, social distancing is a new reality. Many people are not used to having to stay home for long periods of time. Removed from all social factors of life and being inside, for the majority of days. Its rather intense and even downright depressing for many people. In fact, it could be extremely agonizing. Some people may find themselves in a state of restlessness because they have not mastered being by themselves. Out and about is what has given certain people their purpose for life. It has created a level of vitality, that gives one a purpose for waking up in the morning, and doing what they enjoy. However, perhaps, there are ways of seeing this from a different approach.

Being alone for a certain period of time does have its benefits. It can make us stronger-less needy in desiring the attention from others. In addition, we can discover really cool things about ourselves when we are, by ourselves. Here are some really cool and creative things we can do for ourselves, when we are living alone.

1. Film List


Create a list of folks that you have always wanted to see, but never got the chance to. Write a film schedule and stick to it. For each day, plan a particular dish, that you would like to have for each film that you watch. Keep a film journal and rank the films from your most liked, to your very least. Give your opinions on why they were your favorite, or not!

2. Fashion Daily

Put your fashion skills to use. See what different styles you can come up. How can you piece together some of your most creative outfits? Model them. Try them on. Take pictures of yourself in them. Create your own fashion book.


3. Create A Zoom Workout Party

Invite your colleagues, friends, or family members for a Zoom Workout Party. Either you can come up with the playlist workout, OR you all can each contribute a couple of songs.

4. Comedy Heals

If you need to laugh, and we all do right now, try to explore your inner comedic side. Life is made for laughter. Either you can study your favorite comics, OR you can take a swing in writing you own jokes. Either way, laughter tickles the Soul.


5. Clean Out the Clutter

You have been waiting for a long time to clean out your wardrobe. Now, you have enough time. Go through what you want, and don’t want. Decide what’s useful and what isn’t. And, clear away. You’ll thank yourself later when all of this is over, and you are able to invite friends and families over, for socializing.

6. Learning New Games

Prep yourself on the latest card games and other types of games, which are suitable for inviting people over. Whether it is always wanting to learn chess, checkers, or a game that’s overseas. Go online and test your skills. The more practice, the better you become. Learn all the strategies. Practice with yourself. And, when we get that chance for social hour, you will have plenty to entertain your guests.


7. Daily Habits Of Prayer and Meditation

While you are trying to keep yourself centered, make sure to keep your spiritual and mental areas in check. Pray and bring healing to yourself, on a daily basis. Whether it is morning, afternoon, and night. Be consistent. Centering these two aspects keeps us sane and fulfilled.


8. Learn A Language

We are never “too old” to learn anything. So, why not start, while you have enough spare time? Learning a new language does wonders for our mental state. It keeps life exciting and boosts our self-esteem, concerning all the ways of speaking.

9. Family Call Time

Keep a list of all of the family members you have not spoken to, in a while. Give particular days and times when you would like to speak with them. Stick to those times, and create a flow of familial love, which is nourishing and sustaining. Know that with family, you are never alone.

10. Journal Your Desires

Keep a journal of all the fun things, that makes you happy. Write down things that you desire to do when this current epidemic is over. Create a plan to make it happen. Stick to that plan, and do the work to make it happen.


11. Slumber Party Zoom

Whether you missed out on those slumber parties in grade school or had plenty for the celebration of fun times, you are never too old to have any, now. Call up your besties, or even work colleagues, and plan a slumber party on Zoom. Get out the pillows, dress in your pajamas, get out a film, or whatever you want to do and have a youthful time!


Being by yourself, during this time, can be fun and amazing, if you allow it! Get out of the rut, and find creative ways to beat any depression you are currently experiencing. It may take some time, effort and practice, but it is manageable. There are ways of finding happiness, while by yourself. Most of all, you become stronger and wiser, in the process. Depression is not a joke. So, become more active, and protective of your emotional state, in order to avoid succumbing to it.

Allow this period of unrest be a test in your triumph over distress.

