The system is broken…
Motherhood isn’t all it’s cracked up to be!???
It’s not full of Instagram worthy moments, where you capture your fairytale moments of bonding, laughing, and fun-filled play dates with your bestie over coffee…
It’s more like sleepless nights, and early mornings with a cup full of cold coffee,
It’s hiding in the washroom to get 2 mins of alone time,
It’s long lonely days where you are trying to survive till your partner gets home from work so you can tap out for a little bit.
It’s ok you can admit it…
DISCLAIMER: If you are ready to be next level “WOKE” keep reading.

Are you planning your maternity photo shoot, newborn pics?
Are you worried about looking like death on your delivery day?
Are you concern that you have not bought EVERYTHING your baby needs before its due?
Are you worried about stretch marks and a stretched out Vag…
The good news: these will be the least of your worries… the fun part.
The bad news: there is soooooo much more to this than you are even aware of.
Here is some #truth…???
Society has done a brilliant job at glorifying Pregnancy…
Pregnancy is now a multi-billion dollar industry!???
Not only is pregnancy an exciting time in our life it is also a time full of anxieties, hormones, and questions…
Society has found the perfect way to exploit this moment and create a bunch of crap to help us feel ‘secure’ in a period full of hidden insecurities.
Be honest…
You bought all the books, downloaded the apps,
checked off everything off your baby list and had a comprehensive birthing plan…
You cried a few times thinking about your poor vag and your babies chance of having a huge head!
Heck, you probably even though about just scheduling a C-section to save your vag the pain…
I did.
I also though…
I was ready AF to take on this new role as a parent!
And I was…
According to everything…
that the books, the apps, Mr. Google and the birthing class taught me. I should be blissfully enjoying every moment and breathing everything in because well… Time flies they say!!!
I call BULLSHIT on everything that mainstream media has told and sold you…
What I can tell you is that Motherhood brings its own baggage and demons.
Motherhood will resurface all those hidden
and unresolved issues that we had managed to push deep down into our subconscious.
Everything from childhood traumas to
‘bad’ old habits we thought we would quit since we became Mothers.
Motherhood makes you look in the mirror every day and realize how much work there is to do on ourselves.
It shows the cracks in your relationship…
You soon realize that even though you birthed one child you actually have 2 since your partner is so used to you picking up after them.
You start to see the way motherhood starts eating away at you and everything you had become up to the moment that you birth your baby.
Your independence, autonomy, self-esteem, mind, body,
and relationships all suffer at the hands of Motherhood…
Yet EVERYONE acts as this is to be accepted “as is” because well we are women and its “natural”.
Mom Guilt…My Favorite!?
is the burden of believing that the life, future, and success of our children, lay only in our hands…
and in our ability to give, give and give without ever taking anything for ourselves.
Mom guilt is NOT natural it is something we accept and make apart of us. It’s time that we realize this burden is not ours to carry.
What does this mean to you??????
It means going deeper, questioning everything, and never accepting anything “as is”…
It means looking at your Motherhood journey and renegotiating
the things that do not serve you, grow you or nurture you.
It means being unapologetic in your search to love yourself more, lead an authentic life and speak your truth!
?? YOU are NOT the MARTYR in your story…
??YOU are the HERO….
??YOU ARE the KHALEESI born out of fire and only YOU can FIX THIS BROKE SYSTEM.