Think about it honestly for a few moments. Your initial reaction may be….”of course I do!” 

But take that to-do list out and look at it….whether its scribbled on paper, in your ipad or just in your brain….Look at the list that you’re focussed on…Are you, and the things that you need to do just for you, actually on the list there somewhere? You know the things that you really need to do in order to feel like your best you?

If you are – Congratulations! You’re ahead of most of us busy high achieving types who forget about us, in the pursuit of maximum output, and who often over commit to things we already don’t have time for!

Now, if I asked you if you actually get to you on your list, and make those things happen without fail? Are you still in the oh yes category?…Mmmmmm maybe not as many can say yes to that! (and if you still are then please share your wisdom in the comments below to help us all!)

Maybe though you’re in the ‘I’m not on there’ group – if so thank you for your honesty! I salute you as I know that this is more often the case as its those be selfless, put everything and everyone else before you kind of habits we’re encouraged to live by. You know the vibes of…Be busy and keep running. Get more done. Work hard and give it your all. Feels good doesn’t it….until the tank is empty and you’re all tired out! 

We hardly ever hear “you should be so proud that you have made time for you to keep yourself recharged and be your best self”. That’s the part that’s never covered in work performance appraisals or in reviews from your children is it?!

Well the thing is it should be! It’s hard to give your all when you’re not quite your best isn’t it? Imagine what you could do if you really felt great every day and like your best you? Wouldn’t that feel amazing and like a breath of fresh air? Well you know what’s the main thing standing between you being at your best and where you are now?….in short its YOU! 

Its all about YOU prioritising YOU so that you’re always brimming with energy and loving life rather than lack lustre and counting the hours until your next holiday! You get to make the choices of what you focus on an what never makes it off that list! 

So today as an act of pure self nourishment, and with an eye to really giving everything and everyone YOUR BEST YOU put yourself at the top of the list.  

Give yourself the permission to say yes to your best life and make it happen!

Zara Woods is Mindset & Success Coach and Co-Founder of Make Life Amazing – a wellness movement helping women to be their best selves – the easy way!