The New Year is fresh with possibilities for living optimally.  Human nature is to begin anew, with vibrant resolutions, goals and a new grip on the mindset to bring about your best version of life.  Change is a balancing act of choosing new input of food, drink, lifestyle and thoughts which resonate with your uniqueness.

Taking on too much at once can lead to set backs leaving you to feel off kilter at best.  At worst you will let your best intentions fall by the wayside and slip into the familiarity of routines and habits that won’t move you closer to the life you desire… Life you are worthy of.  Don’t be part of the statistic that most resolutions fail and are forgotten within 30 days.

Heed the following seven pointers to guide you to get and stay in a satisfying wellness groove you love.

A Fresh Wellness Mindset: Personalize Your Food Life & Find Your Truth about Gluten is a guide to never have to experience deprivation in your food life again.  Use it to learn to look and feel good for life.  

Seven points to make 2018 your best year:

1. Not all healthy food is healthful for everyone.  Find out which food is healthful for you.  When you aren’t digesting and assimilating your food, even the best food can be more distressful than healthful.  

2. Food is Information. The basic premise of making food choices healthy for you is to think of food as information for your body. Dr. Kelly Brogan says food is indeed information…. And we must move away from the notion that food is just calories for energy (“fuel”) or that food is simply micronutrients and macronutrients (“building blocks”).  Feelings, signs and symptoms are messages the body uses to tell your food is working for you.

3. Thinking you can ‘Out-Exercise’ poor food choices because you worked out is a clumsy strategy for weight control or wellness. Hitting the gym or running trail to work off a toxin laden meal is an unskilled approach to self-care.

4. Deprivation isn’t healthy. If you start your day tired, your diet isn’t working. If your diet is a ‘reset’ for you to return to what got you to the diet, it is a loser.  Learn to eat satisfying, delicious and easy real food everyday and you won’t have to ‘diet’ again.

5. Eating healthfully is about making personalized choices for your unique beautiful body.  Reference the fingerprint.  You are one of a kind.  One diet isn’t right for everyone.

6. Don’t eat annoying food. Sometimes you are fortunate enough to know the food stressor, but sometimes it is innocuous/it ‘should be’ healthy. When you aren’t sure what is annoying or healthful, work with a qualified practitioner to guide healthy function.  Once restored, work with a qualified practitioner to see if reintroduction is right for you.

7. Live Optimally. Satisfaction from delicious real food is easy.  Nourishing satisfaction is easy to attain, even for the busiest life.  A qualified practitioner can be your guide to make it easy for you to make healthful choices and lose the diet.

Tam John is a certified Holistic Nutritionist (NTP) providing non-invasive clinical assessment for a person’s unique bio-chemistry. Tam imparts you can’t make healthy choices until you know which choices are healthy for you. Her new book title: A Fresh Wellness Mindset: Personalize Your Food Life & Find Your Truth about Gluten is available on Amazon, through Tam and coming to retailers. It will be your guide to transform your diet to a personalized food life you love and loves you back.

This article is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. This article has not been reviewed by the FDA. Always consult with your primary care Physician or Naturopathic Doctor before making any significant changes to your health and wellness routine.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 2018 EatRight-LiveWell ™ & Tam John


  • Tam John

    Author of 'A Fresh Wellness Mindset' and Wellness Consultant and Entreprenuer


    Tam John is the author of the book A Fresh Wellness Mindset. Buy the book on Amazon and  This book will help you keep your healthful weight, get to the ideal weight permanently, sleep better, detoxify naturally while you sleep, create optimum energy, food security and so much more.  If you have food restrictions A Fresh Wellness Mindset will guide you to navigate the food system for delicious compliance.  Plus the book contains 19 of Tam’s original recipes for every meal and snacks.  This book is for Everyone! Through her company, EatRight-LiveWell, you will receive wellness-enhancing tools including in-home nutritional testing, food for skin, professional nutritional supplementation and Biomat® products.  Add Voxx Life Drug Free Neuro Tech socks, insoles and patches to your wellness routine.  Used by Top World Athletes, Soldiers, Senior Citizens and many more Real People! Engage with Tam for Health Wellness Freelance, book and academic writing projects. Thank You for your Interest!  Thank You for Choosing Tam's offerings!