Whether it’s better overall health, increased strength and stamina, or a certain body shape, most of us have a goal set before we start exercising. However, if work out regularly, but can’t achieve the results you were hoping for, maybe there is something you can do or change to make your workout sessions more efficient. Take a look at these things you can do now to improve your workout results.

Have a good plan

Once you decide what your fitness goal is, you should learn how to reach it most quickly. This means that it’s not enough to simply join a gym and use any fitness machine that’s available at a certain moment. It’s crucial to realize that you have to do different types of exercises to reach different goals. Losing weight, building up muscle or simply becoming more flexible each require a special workout program, and if you don’t have that program, you might end up getting completely wrong results. If you aren’t sure what it is that you should do, don’t hesitate to ask. Your gym probably has experienced trainers that could give you precious advice on how to approach your workout and create a personal goal-specific exercise plan for you.

Adjust your diet

If your diet isn’t doing enough to support your workout goals, changing it might help you get the results you want. For example, if you’re trying to build up your muscles, your body will need a good protein intake. Without the protein, all the cardio and strength exercise you do won’t get you anywhere near the goals you set for yourself. You should also think about your carb consumption. Carbs are necessary for any intense workout regimen, as they provide your body with the energy to exercise. On the other hand, if you’re trying to lose weight or improve your flexibility, you should find a way to lower your calorie intake, while still getting all the nutrients your body requires. In both these cases, it would be a good idea to talk to an expert dietitian or a nutritionist. Also, it’s important to stay hydrated when physically active, so be sure to drink enough water during the day.  

Use supplements wisely

Just like planning your workout and your diet, you should also consider how and when you use your supplements. The key is to maximize the use of your energy and time to get the best possible results, depending on your fitness goals. For example, if you have problems with completing your workout, you should try with preworkout supplements. These can increase your strength and stamina, allowing you to intensify your workout and consequently make it more efficient. There are supplements in many different flavors, to help you with weight loss, muscle growth or endurance, all of which are most effective if used in accordance with the instructions on their package.

Choose your weights carefully

Another thing that could be holding you back from reaching your desired workout goals is what weights you use. Of course, if you want to build muscle and body mass, you should always push your limits and reach for the heavier ones. However, you should also take precautions to prevent injury. If, on the other hand, you are trying to lose weight, the weights you use shouldn’t be too heavy. Start with the lighter ones and see where that gets you. If you can finish all the reps in your sets without getting too tired, shift to heavier weights and monitor your progress. If you end up with your sets being short of a rep or two, consider going back to the lighter ones. The point is to find the balance between working out effectively and not overexerting yourself.

Use your whole body

When doing cardio exercises, most people stick to the stationary bike or the treadmill. This is fine, but if you really want to make your workout count and maximize its effects, you should opt for the machines that will make you use your upper body more. Movements that mimic swimming and cross-country skiing are a great example of exercises that use both, lower and upper body. These types of exercises will allow you to be fitter, boost your endurance and burn more calories than those using only the lower body. Another way to achieve this is to switch between machines used for lower- and upper-body exercises.

Push yourself harder

Spending a lot of time at the gym doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re making the best of that time. If you’re taking a lot of long breaks, if you’re procrastinating and if you’re resting between reps within one set, you’re not doing yourself a favor. Another thing to avoid is spending too much time on a single machine, doing the same exercise. Incorporate different exercises for different body parts in your program and don’t spend too long resting after each one. Push yourself a bit harder, try interval training and make every moment you spend at the gym count.

Realizing that the quality of your workout is more important than the time you spend doing it and making the best of the resources available to you can improve your fitness results. A smart approach to your exercise regimen will get you a long way, so make the necessary changes to improve your workout efficiency.