It’s amazing how many people aren’t in touch with who they really are.

I can say this because well into the prime age of 30 years young I didn’t even really know. 

Even a few months ago, it felt like my GPS was broken, and I felt that it was always recalculating or taking me to identity destinations that seemed familiar but weren’t exactly right. It wasn’t until I made it a point to focus on myself that things started to change.

Who am I? What’s my identity? How am I supposed to get anywhere without signal or wifi?

These are questions we really ought to know given it’s us but we’re never forced to answer. (If you do then my hat’s off to you, you are very self-aware)

Honestly though, have you ever thought about it? It seems like this should be implied knowledge but do you have a full understanding of who you are? Or one of my favorite questions, are you doing what you told your kindergarten teacher you wanted to be when you grew up? What about the next best thing? If not, well that’s a conversation for another time… but would your kindergarten self or teacher be proud of who you’ve become? 

Some people go on living their entire lives without even knowing themselves…

It’s so easy to get lost going through the motions tying our own value into how much (or how little) success we currently have right now, which can be tied into how much money we’re presently making, placing too much concern over what others perceive of us, appeasing and/or doing what those we care about want us to do…

What about you? What do you want to do?

We live in a world, especially with the ever growing social media scene, where not only is it getting smaller and becoming more and more connected, but we’re also under the microscope of constant judgement and comparison to others.

Especially in the entrepreneurial space, if you’re not posting constantly people will begin wondering what are you even doing with your life.

Social media certainly has it’s benefits but if you’re not too careful in the world’s ever growing highlight reel, it can make you depressed as well. 

Between whatever “so and so is doing…”, the hidden algorithms wanting everyone to spend more time their app, and all the research development put into making social platforms more and more addicting, where’s the time for you?

Shoot I should be posting more! Damn I didn’t do a story today… wait what channel is @(insert favorite follow’s) IGTV on?

Contrary to likes, engagement, and follower counts, there’s more way to life than becoming instafamous or increasing your Snapscore.

What about looking inward? When was the last time you did that, or took care of yourself psychologically?

You’ll find that there’s a lot less mental traffic and clarity once you do…

And I actually like social media believe it or not, but it’s when these platforms get in the way of getting in touch with who we are or get us in and out of loops of depression that I have an issue with it.

So if you can break away from the time-released dopamine-instant gratification rushes that lure you back into these time vanishing apps I am going to give you 5 of the best pieces of advice I can possibly give to ground you back to earth into the true depths of your soul.

More simply put, learning and becoming who you are inside and out.

The distance between where you are now, whether uncertain, directionless or a constricted version of who you want to be, and the untapped, confident, unleashed version you’ve always thought you could be is a lot closer than you think.

Knowing yourself, and not just knowing yourself but loving every ounce of energy and matter that defines you as a whole, are just a few turns away.

Without further delay[s] here’s what I’ve found to be the quickest ways to get in touch with the root of who you are [detour free]:

1.) Take at least one day to self reflect [avenue]

This needs to be alone. Go on a vacation, take a week, one full day, nothing less than one day and start unraveling everything that’s disconnected you from your true inner (child) you. The best question to start with is “what do I want?” Bring something to write on, jot down every answer that comes to mind and see where the day takes you.

2.) Accepting the power behind surrender [don’t miss this freeway]

There’s an amazing shift that happens when you start to believe you’re not in this world alone. God, the universe, fate, destiny, karma, a higher power, energy, the mystical unknown, whatever you believe in, and even others in similar situations, there’s a huge lift off your shoulders when you start accepting and realizing you’re not in this alone. Stress can easily derail us from who we are and I found this to be one of the best relievers of this.

3.) Pinpoint your insecurities. [watch for potholes here]

Speaking of similar situations, you are not the only one with insecurities. We all have scars and open wounds. These can be pretty deep too. You’ll know you’re on the right path when they are the toughest to admit. The more difficult the better. When you befriend and share your biggest pain points to your closest friend(s), a family member, and/or a journal that’s when change and magic starts to happen. Then if you become comfortable enough to share them with strangers you’ll officially have true power over them. It’s natural to repress and lock away insecurities at the cost of disengaging from the real you. Letting them out will help drop the shackles holding you back and may even help someone else holding these in. Worst case, surprise you with genuine connections you never saw coming.

4.) Journal about your future self. [you’re going to want to make sure you stay in this lane]

Naturally I’m a writer so there’s some bias here but journaling on a daily basis has been the biggest game changer for me. There are a ton of resources out there on journaling, specifically future self journaling, and while I can certainly reveal specifically what’s worked for me, the most important piece to this puzzle is holding yourself accountable to a version of yourself you want to become. Not only are you learning about yourself on daily basis but you are writing and making paradigm shifts towards a version of yourself that you will learn to know and love. The absolute best future self imaginable. One your past, present, and future future self would be proud of— it is your journal after all.

5.) Do 2-3 things that make you uncomfortable everyday. [You’re going to keep going in circles if you miss this round about exit]

When you tie this in with a future self you can be proud of, this is an incredibly powerful combination that skyrockets not only your growth but also aligns yourself with your true identity. In order to change, you must endure and embrace the change. This may seem obvious but you have to think about that and act accordingly. You will be uncomfortable, you won’t always like it, but you can’t possibly change if you’re not doing things that break you away from old patterns. If you let uncomfortable growth opportunities pass, you will fall back into old ruts and regress towards your old self, which is exactly where your subconscious wants you. Safe and sound in the old you where it’s nice and comfortable, the original person you wanted to steer away from. I don’t want you caught going around in circles

At the other side of comfortable is when things really start to change and get interesting. Which is exactly why I’ve brought you to this destination today. You can hear and read all the clichés, advice, articles that you want, but until you’re ready and willing to actually hear them you won’t fully appreciate their genuine intension. Life will find a way to tell you if you’re prepared to listen.

A lot of times it takes the just the right ingredients, circumstances and fair share of mistakes or wrong turns before you can fully embrace change and see what you’re made of, but when that time comes you can’t hesitate, you have to jump on the opportunity and act on it.

Not to end on a cliché but “when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change” that’s when true shifts happen, pair that with persistence, ambition, creativity and hints desperation and there’s nothing that can hold you back. Everyone has their own story and recipe for change however… that’s what makes life so amazing, no one story is ever the same.

If you’re stressed, unhappy with your current situation, feel even slightly disconnected with yourself or any combination of the aforementioned, change is the fastest way learn who you are. What better way to do so than to become someone, a future self you can be proud of?

Try this for 30 days, you will naturally learn more about yourself. I’ve been doing this for almost three months now, your journal entries will take a life of their own, and how you see yourself over time will continually change for the better. Sometimes it’s tough to get anywhere without a GPS you can count on… I can tell you these directions work, I’m a completely different person from when I started. I can’t wait to hear what it can do for you and I’m excited to see where you’ll go from here.

Your personal GPS has been inside you all along, sometimes it might just need a little [map] update.
