Across the country and around the world, much has been taken from all of us over the past several months. People have lost the freedom to voice their opinions, travel leisurely and dine at their favorite restaurant. Many jobs have been taken. Owners have had their businesses taken. We’ve had lives taken, properties destroyed, and businesses looted. We’ve had friendships taken over political debates and whether to wear masks.

For many, the anger over all that has been taken is front and center. For others, the anger hides below the surface. For all, the anger is taking a toll on our health.

I believe the best way to overcome the anger and frustration from all that has been taken from us is to start giving.

Giving is what makes us fully human. We naturally feel better when we are giving. These feelings begin as a child, when we share candy with a friend or give a hug after someone has skinned a knee. These natural good feelings continue through adulthood as witnessed by the outpouring of food, clothing, and volunteerism when natural disasters hit around the world.

Giving is what allows us to accomplish things far beyond what we can do alone. The peaceful protests, with people of all colors, standing together, to fight injustices, show the power of giving.

In times like this, when unemployment is at an all-time high, when businesses are closing and others are struggling to keep the lights on in empty offices, giving is not high on most people’s priority lists. However, giving is what always turns every crisis around. Giving does not have to be financial. There are lots of ways to give that can truly help others. Here are five ways to give that will make a difference in improving our circumstances.

Give compassion. There has been no better time than now to show people you care. This is the time to listen to others. Empathize with them. Instead of focusing on our few differences, focus on all the commonalities we share. Hurting people hurt people. Don’t let this be you. When you show love for others, others will feel loved and begin to show love as well.

Give vulnerability. As children, we are taught, “big boys don’t cry.” As we grow up, men and women alike are taught to “be strong.” We learn that showing emotions make us weak. The reality is all of us are hurting in one way or another. Life shows all of us disappointments, heartaches, and ailments. We share the same emotions. Some of us just hide them better than others. Now is the time to open up. Let others know if you are hurting, angry or disappointed. When you open up first, it will free others to open up and share. When we all show we are human, we all win.

Give respect. As children we are taught to respect our elders. Growing up, we are taught to respect the teachers, supervisors, and owners. All of those in charge. Sometimes we confuse respect with idolizing when it comes to celebrities. However, instead of simply giving respect to those older than us, have more than us, or get more attention than us, we should give respect to everyone simply for being. Imagine how much better our world, our employment, our neighborhood, and our families would be if we just gave everyone our respect without making them earn it.

Give experience. People today are being tested like never before. All of us have been tested in life. Every time we pass a test, we gain valuable experience. When we take this experience and share it with others for the purpose of preventing them from going through what we went through we are turning our tests into testimonies. All around you there are people in need of your testimonies! Let others know, if you were able to overcome something, they will be able to overcome it to. There is nothing more powerful, nothing that gives more hope, than the words, “If I can do it, you can do it!”      

Give kindness. With people living in fear, side-stepping you as you pass by, masks preventing smiles, thoughts of kindness diminish. You and I can make a difference. We can choose to think about kindness on a conscious level. We must think about ways to show kindness, especially today. If someone cannot see you smile, they can see you wave. Make acknowledging others a priority. Challenge yourself to help someone. Simply holding a door, offering to pick up something at the store for a neighbor, little things are big things today. Letting someone have the parking spot you were waiting on, letting someone go ahead in line, saying please and thank you, mean more today than ever before. Every person working that is required to wear a mask may not want to wear one but they are so they can serve you. They may not want to be at work, but they are there to serve you. Just like you, they are frustrated. They have had things taken from them. Remember to be kind.

I’m sure you can think of other ways to give that won’t cost you a dime but will be priceless to those receiving what you are giving.

Giving always starts the receiving process. As I’ve written many times, whatever you want more of, start giving more of it first. If you want more letters, start writing more letters. If you want more friends, start being a friend to more people. If you want more recognition, start recognizing more people. If you want to receive more, start giving more.

When you and I start giving more, others will give more, and it is through giving that we will overcome our circumstances. It’s how we’ve overcome in the past and how we will in the future.

Remember, there is greatness within you. You must choose greatness. It won’t develop on its own. I believe in you!

“With all that has been taken, it is time to start giving!”

Take Action Today!

If you would like assistance with increasing your giving, I can help you. We can meet by phone, on Zoom, or in a place you deem safe with social distancing. Whether you choose me or someone else, a coach will expedite your results.

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I also invite you to connect with me. You can connect with me on LinkedIn, by email at  [email protected]  or through my website at Thank you!  

I always look forward to your thoughts and replies.

Published by Bryan M. Balch, Results Coach

Helping Individuals and Businesses Achieve Desired Results
