Martin Polanco

The importance of health to the country’s development cannot be overstated. Health is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as “a condition of complete physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being, rather than only the absence of sickness or infirmity.” WHO defines mental health as “mental well-being” in which a person recognizes his or her abilities, can cope with everyday challenges, works productively, and contributes to his or her community. Mental health is the foundation for individual well-being and the proper functioning of a community in this positive sense.

Impact of mental health can be seen on:

  • Educational outcomes getting influenced by mental health
  • Workplace productivity and the growth of positive personal relationships
  • Increasing crime rate
  • Abuse of alcohol and other drugs

From the point of view of Martin Polanco, what makes Mental health important?

Physical Health Affects Mental Health:

There’s a link between our mental health and our physical health. Mental illness can induce stress and affect our immune systems. As a result, our bodies ability to cope with illness may be jeopardized. A sick mind can lead to anxiety and sadness, both of which can make it difficult to move about and stay active. The mind-body connection is well-established, which is why mental health awareness is so crucial.

Emotional well-being is linked to mental health:

Every day, how you feel on the inside is just as important as how physically healthy you are. Mental health tips demonstrate how an unhealthy mind can make you feel depressed, angry, or disturbed. Taking care of our emotional well-being can help us be more productive and effective at work and in our daily activities. To maintain track of our emotional and overall well-being, we can seek mental health advice from friends, family, and a psychologist. According to Martin Polanco, they can help you in exploring your mind in a better way.

In relationships, mental health is really important:

The link between mental health and relationships is one of the most compelling reasons for its importance. A shaky mind might have an impact on how we interact with our friends and family. Mental illnesses frequently result in passive-aggressiveness, hostility, and the incapacity to participate in social activities. This may result in conflicts with our friends and family. Mental illness has the potential to compel us to overthrow our loved ones for no apparent reason. Self-care for mental health and, if necessary, medication can help us live a mentally stable existence while also maintaining our relationships.

Crime and victimization are linked to mental health:

According to certain research, having bad mental health puts you at a higher chance of committing violent crimes. Self-victimization and abuse are also consequences. This risk is amplified if the person uses drugs or drinks too much alcohol and refuses to take medication.

The majority of crimes committed by mentally ill people are against family members or people in their immediate circle. Seeking mental health advice from a medical practitioner and knowing why mental health is so important might help you avoid situations like this.