Do you spend too much brain power on your social media strategy? Do you ask yourself questions like… what platforms should I be on? How often should I post? What hashtags should I use? The question you are really asking is…

Does being on social media actually do anything for me?

Great question. The answer is… it depends. It depends on you, your objectives, and how you are engaging in the medium.

Three tips:

  1. Get Clear: What are your goals with social media?  If you don’t have clear reasons for engaging, then how can you measure and evaluate your results?
  2. Go Where Your People Are: Pick your platform based on where you are already and where the people you want to connect with are already. Don’t pick too many or you won’t really be on any.
  3. Connect Across Channels: If you want to root your connections, connect across channels.  I don’t necessarily mean different social media channels – though that is fine too. I mean in person, via video chat, on the pone, at a conference, etc…

My platform – LinkedIn.  It is my favorite. I love that it tells me how we are connected and the things we have in common.

My goal with social media is to share, to teach, and to connect. I want to spread the content and appreciate the engagement. At the end of the day, the most important goal is Connections!

LinkedIn has been an amazing platform to make real connections. It is how I met Dr. Diane Hamilton – she simply reached out to me on LinkedIn! She told me that my name kept coming up all over the place, so she reached out and invited me to be on her radio show.

I did, and we had a fantastic interview. Since then I have invited her to be a part of my Authoresses group and we have stayed connected for years, all because she decided to reach out to me and form a connection.

If you really want to leverage social media – see it as a place to make real connections. Reach out. Make it personal and see what happens!