Retirement… it’s that far off (or maybe not so far off…) reality that we all dream about. Vacations to the Maldives? Endless hours to knit? Cooking classes galore? When you don’t have to work, there’s so much more time in a day.

So how does retirement work for remote employees? Well, there are a few different routes that a remote employee can take so that they end up happy and prepared for a long and blissful retirement. Take a look at what we have to say about remote retirement below.

Full-time Remote Workers

If you’re a full-time remote worker with a salaried position, then your retirement will likely work like any regular in-office employee’s retirement would. Hopefully, your employer has provided 401k benefits that you‘ve taken advantage of during your employment. If not, hopefully you’ve created a retirement savings account for yourself.

Contracted Remote Workers

If you work as a contract employee, then you probably don’t have the luxury of having 401k benefits through your company. However, that shouldn’t stop you from creating your own retirement fund. Remote workers who work on a contract-only basis need to be more proactive when thinking about retirement and how they plan on saving for that period in their lives.

Once You’re Retired (If You Want to Keep Working…)

No matter if you were working as a full-time remote worker or as a contracted remote worker, once you’re retired you still have the option to pick up side projects to keep yourself busy and help you earn some extra cash on the side. One of the major benefits of working remotely is that it’s much easier to pick up part-time, contracted gigs than someone who only has in-office skills once you’re retired.

Taking a Break (If You’re Not Ready to Retire…)

Feeling like you need to take a break, but don’t quite feel ready to call yourself “retired” yet? As a remote worker, this option becomes more than feasible. It’s a lot more plausible to take a break when you work remotely versus when you need to get hired into an in-office position. If retirement isn’t right for you, then simply allow yourself a break until you’re ready to get back to work.

Adjusting to Retirement as a Remote Worker

Remote workers are often the most adaptable people when it comes to adjusting to the retirement lifestyle. This is because remote workers have already spent years, if not decades, adjusting to an independent lifestyle. Remote workers also seem to be the most effective at keeping themselves preoccupied and productive when having to schedule their own day around their own activities.

Considering retiring? If you’re a remote worker, your future looks bright.

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