I know that many of us, including myself, are still learning to adjust to our “new normal”.  When I can get myself to think beyond the uncertainty that is immediately before us, I start to wonder what the light at the end of the tunnel might look like.  If this is “new normal”, what is “next normal”?

My hope is that the lessons from this challenging time help us to create and imagine something better, particularly when it comes to the way we live and work.  Here is my wish list for the “next normal”:

  • We learn that work doesn’t need to be done from 9-5 in a physical office.  We can also do great work in sweatpants.  We give people flexibility in how and where they work. 
  • We recognize and embrace that life is always happening, even when its not in the background interrupting our Zoom calls.  We stop apologizing for taking the time we need to do life and work.
  • We continue to use social media and technology in intentional ways that create more connection instead of disconnection.
  • We acknowledge that our health is everything.  We create ways of working that allow time and space for taking care of our physical and mental wellbeing.
  • We remember that we are stronger as a collective when we do what is needed to protect the most vulnerable.
  • Lastly, and to me most importantly, that we never again forget that it is humans, not organizations, not companies, not governments, and not technology, that make the world go round. We must design and build everything with humans at the center.

I am curious, what’s on your wish list for the “next normal”?