So let me get this straight. Two of the world’s top entrepreneurs, Adam Neumann and his wife Rebekah Paltrow Neumann, who together created WeWork, WeLive, WeGym, WeLearn; who are married and have four kids together; who are focused on raising the consciousness of the world, and envision a world based on more sustainable values; are not allowed to empower one another, because it’s the female empowering the male — and today’s snarky media find that somehow degrading for women.

This is what Rebekah Paltrow Neumann said that got everyone into a fuss:

“ A big part of being a woman is to help men [like Adam] manifest their calling in life.” Rebekah Paltrow Neumann

This isn’t the first time she’s been outspoken about the true role of women in the world:

“The article ends with Paltrow Neumann remarking on how she’s helped her husband over the years, sharing a message from her acting teacher. “Women need to get to the right level for men to even have the opportunity to get there. Like we create a place for them to rise to. We have a really important role to play.”

In interviews throughout the years, WeWork founder Adam Neumann has always credited his success to his wife:

“Neumann’s trajectory from serial schlepper to startup success happened after he met his future wife, Rebekah Paltrow. He admits that he was a bit of a mess as a 28-year-old, a struggling entrepreneur selling baby jeans with protective kneepads.”

But in 2018, it’s not ok to sound like a supportive spouse who must have limited her own development in some way in order to support her husband’s rise to success. Because women have to be just as strong and powerful as men now. What a misconception of how our world is designed and our purpose for being here.

Distinct Male and Female Roles in any Relationship

Men and women are not equal in any way and never will be. We have completely different roles in the thought of creation. According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, one partner in the relationship represents the ‘lacking’, meaning the desire for correction, the natural desire to create a better world — this is the female side. She controls the general atmosphere of the home, essentially, how much intention is put toward making the world a better place.

The other partner in the relationship represents the giving side that is focused on filling that lacking. This is the male side. Men are mainly motivated to help make the world a better place when they do it to impress a woman. Adam and Rebekah Neumann are a great example of that and talk about this openly in almost every interview.

Together, a male and female with a spiritual goal form a perfect vessel for receiving the light of bestowal. So there is no stopping a power couple like this that is focused on making the world a better place. They are destined to succeed.

Since I have been part of the world’s largest group of Kabbalists for almost two decades, and met my husband there, my whole life actually revolves around his spiritual progress. Our entire home is geared toward accelerating our correction, and the correction of the world.

My husband is a year younger than me just like the Neumanns. He is Israeli like Adam, and I am what they call here “imported”, even though I’ve lived here since 1978. My husband and I are full spiritual partners on our chosen path. The Kabbalists say that a woman has the power to shape her man into precisely the type of man she wants him to become.

So to conclude, women don’t need to be equal to men to feel satisfied in life or make a better world. All women need, is to focus on forming relationships where the partners empower one another to succeed. Where the success of the other individual is more important than your own success. These are the relationships that pass the test of time and thrive.

Understanding The Laws of Nature

It’s really a shame that we think we have come so far in so many ways, but we are still so primitive when it comes to understanding human evolution.

The following is some new insight into the male-female relationship, and it is based on something my husband wrote in Hebrew:

At the heart of the never-ending search for enhancing life on our planet is the gender issue. Men and women are the two forces that the renewal and continuation of the human species are based on. The correct balance between these two forces will bring about fresh results in all aspects of our lives: education, economy, social and environment.

Forces of nature are never equal to one another, but rather complement each other perfectly. This is the only way to measure the correct balance between them. Our generation must understand that the complimentary aspects of the female-male relationship serve a single common goal — the improvement of mankind. The outcome of this discovery will bring about significant changes for everyone on the planet.

In the words of the world’s foremost Kabbalist Michael Laitman:

Over the next decade, the world will discover how to leverage women’s unique attributes to get our lives back in balance. A woman is more practical and down to earth, and more connected to Nature since she is the one giving birth. She is more capable of overcoming obstacles and hardship to achieve a desired goal. While men can dispute a minor issue endlessly, women have the ability to rise above their egos and do the right thing when faced with a life and death situation. That is the situation humanity is currently facing, and it is up to the women of world to encourage men in the right direction. To nurture the world just as a mother does for her child. Because men are greatly influenced by what women think of them.

As the woman’s true role in global affairs emerges in the coming years, feminists will discover that they presented a very weak case of what women are actually capable of. That is not to say that they are better than men in any manner.

Women simply have capabilities that the world has overlooked until now, which hold the key to managing our lives more successfully and effectively.

With humanity at a crossroads, we must no longer take things for granted but rather learn how to use every aspect of our lives to enhance life on our planet. There is nothing in our world that was put here randomly. Each and every aspect of life was precisely planned and evolved to be ready for this moment. So the only question left is, are we prepared?

We all need to learn about the laws of reality, the benefits of human bonding, how everything is connected, and how to live in harmony on a daily basis. Children especially need to be prepared for life in an increasingly interdependent world. This type of insightful content can propel humanity into the new reality awaiting us.

Women have a very special place in this process. Our current situation is simply due to the fact that we have never tried to awaken all our strength to love the world. And this global awakening must come from the woman. We are the force holding the world together, continuing the world — giving birth to a new world every single day. The force of birth is the force of love, and the enduring force in the world is love.

So it is most appropriate that the women of the world begin fixing the world by showing how through love, we can raise everything to the level of eternity and perfection.

Originally published at