Like it or not, we are all holding on through the tug of BALANCE.

It could be you trying to get back in a healthy routine.

It could be you stuck in the hassle of finding your purpose that will give your life that positive lead.

It could be you sitting on the fence of regrets, embarking on a journey of self love, struggling to find your balance in life.

It could be you finding it difficult to crush your goals and intentions before the year ends.

It could be you struggling to get that financially secured life with a 9-5 job that you aren’t pleased with and you are ripping through every reason to continue.

You could be at a point of transition just like the rest of the world….

With life changing (or not changing) so fast you are trying to keep sane and live your best life through the different puzzles.

LIFE isn’t about conquering but learning to navigate through the tough times.

Everything is impermanent, it is a universal law!

When you think of yourself amid a very difficult moment, remember that that moment will change, that moment will go away.

It is not going to last forever and at the same time the beautiful moment will eventually end and the difficult moment will also end.

So what that means is that you will be able to cherish the good times and understand during the hard times that this is also going to pass.

This is also going to change and that is the MOVEMENT OF LIFE.

CHANGE will always come, we simply have to learn to prepare, make way and embrace it.

STAYING POSITIVE does not mean you are happy all the time.

STAYING POSITIVE means having faith, being patient within your own skin and always remembering that EVERYTHING DOES ALWAYS WORKS OUT when it comes down to it.

The storm will always exist around you.


Are you in control of the storm inside you?

Katherine Tran
