so you want to start new business or do want to make your dreams come true, you must know the basic ingredients of a successful idea. New ideas come into being because of creative people, and those who move to further heights need some market knowledge and investment. Even the most creative ideas need some marketing achieve the desired results globally. Modern era is somewhat changed from the past because older technology has replaced with modern inventions. Marketing has replaced the old version of marketing strategies like newspapers and magazines. Every great invention idea needs help from investors. For example media marketing is mostly applied in form of social media. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram has influenced the common man a great deal. As a successful entrepreneur or new businesses men you need to understand the need of invent help in transformation of an idea into reality. In the following paragraphs we will enlighten you about the top five inventions of 2018.

1. Genetic fortune telling the technology has reached to a level where you can tell the fortune by means of modern inventions like Helix, 23andMe, Myriad Genetics, BK Bio bank and the Broad Institute. This is called predictive analytics. This is very helpful in case of players and athletes having tight schedules and busy life. This invention idea could be called a new era of prophecy as it can help diagnose different diseases like cancer, and HIV.

2. Online privacy perfection. Everyone has heard about bitcoin and Blockchain transactions but also worried about private. Blockchain based security systems has developed new inventive ideas that is more secure and it has less chances of fraud and theft.

3. AI services (cloud based) Big giants of world like Amazon, Google and IBM are spending trillions of bucks to upgrade machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies. The basic aim is to make AI cheaper and easy to access, thus making it easily accessible from all places.

4. City analysis censor’s. Alphabet one of the Google’s parent company is making a difference in Toronto’s waterfall district by means of implementing the analytical data to understand the theory of how cities are constructed. Basically, the purpose of this new invention idea is to make urban life more affordable, and easy to access. Smart cities are more comfortable, livable,and economically sustainable.

5. Artificial embryos invention. For the first time scientists have got success in production of embryos with the help of stem cells alone. This is a new invention idea that will help understand the beginning of life. But besides it’s positive aspects, it also has some negative issues like ethical values, and morality. Some of the critical aspects of this invention ideas are that it will give humans control over their own birth. No egg, no embryo, and still life comes into existence. No one would be ready to help invent this idea unless the purpose is not clear.

Credit: InventHelp


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