Whatever your perspective, the immutable truth is that purpose is vital in any person’s working life. Reports keep cropping up to tell us how important purpose and empowerment are to workers – but frankly, we knew this all along. Purpose is what we’re all striving for, isn’t it?

In this article, we speak to five women who have found purpose and fulfillment in their working lives by empowering others in mind, body, and soul. Whatever you do in your career, we hope their stories will inspire you to recognise the positivity you can create by helping others through your work.

Alex Tripod, Manifestation Coach

“My soul’s mission is to raise the vibration of humanity on a global scale,” says manifestation coach Alex Tripod.

That’s a pretty lofty ambition – but Alex is making it happen, one positive thought at a time, by helping her clients achieve the mindset needed to make their most passionately held ambitions a reality.

“I want to help people realise that they are in fact worthy of their dream – be that extraordinary love, financial abundance, or to live with more present moment happiness – and to cut through society programming that they are not good enough,” says Alex.

“Why is this my mission? If the vibration of humanity rises, then we will all live in the now, pain and fear will be dissolved, and we can collectively live in abundance and thrive.”

Cheryl Pierce, Beauty Clinic Founder & Certified High-Performance Coach

Feeling more comfortable in your own skin can be just as transformative as experiencing a shift in mindset. In a sense, it’s the same thing.

As the founder of two successful San Francisco beauty clinics – and now also as a high-performance confidence coach – Cheryl Pierce has found her calling in helping others raise their self-esteem, “from the inside out”.

“I’ve realized that my purpose is to inspire confidence and courage to thousands of people, so they can live the life they’re meant to live and build the business they’re meant to build,” says Cheryl.

Cheryl’s own journey seems to have mirrored those of her clients – in helping others, she has discovered her own happiness. “I finally found my true self in the journey of entrepreneurship,” says Cheryl.

Lisa Pezik, Owner, The Empowered EntreprenHER

Life coach Lisa Pezik finds purpose in helping other women do just the same – both at home and in their working lives.

“My purpose is to inspire women to have an unwavering belief in their ability, to help them unlock their potential, and make better choices,” she says.

Lisa’s coaching promises immediate life improvements such as increased confidence and improved concentration – but she’s also focused on the long-term.

“My business helps women leave a legacy they love, through mastering their daily habits and routines,” says Lisa, “So they can raise confident kids in a happy home.”

Bunmi Aboaba, Founder, The Sober Advantage

What higher purpose could there be than to break new ground in one’s field of expertise?

“The purpose behind my work is to revolutionise the way we view recovery, and how lasting sobriety can be achieved with cutting-edge techniques and energy medicine,” says The Sober Advantage founder Bunmi Aboaba, “From the cellular to the spiritual level.”

As a sober services provider, Bunmi is conscious of how her work can affect the lives of her clients – and by extension, the wider world.

“We’ve previously helped an industry leader to get well,” she says. “Not only did this increase their company’s commercial success; it also helped their industry and the society in which it operates.”

Carla Cline Thomas, Founder, Mindset Gangster Consulting LLC

“For most successful women, much of the road to success has been paved with sacrifice,” says high-performance coach Clara Cline Thomas. “They monetize their time, and discount their health.”

Carla strives to remedy this effect in her work, through helping her clients become healthier in mind, body, and spirit. “By helping them reset their mind, learn to revolutionize their time, and regenerate their spirit, I can help them reignite their lives,” she says.

Like the other entrepreneurs we’ve met in this article, Carla’s work has a purpose that transcends her relationships with individual clients. She says, “The teachings I use create more enlightened and awake thought leaders, who can go on to share a message of self-love, acceptance, and mindfulness.”

Change one life, and you may also be changing other lives in untold numbers.