Focus. Fulfillment. Freedom.

If you’re reading this, chances are you want to be successful.

The trouble is, we’ve been conditioned to view success as monochromatic.

Fame. Fortune… And…?

Friends? Family? Feelings? Not as much.

To find a more well-rounded definition of success, one must dig through the cultural zeitgeist brought upon us by the glorification of certain archetypes.

The wealthy businessman, the gold medal-winning athlete, the famous rockstar, and now the “super-enlightened yoga lady meditating on a beach” that’s become a symbol for the capitalization of Zen.

It’s amazing to aim for huge success in our professional lives. Yet, if you think about it, our careers only make up one fraction of our lives as complex beings.

We should strive to get a little bit better every day in all aspects of our lives.

These three words will help transform our one-dimensional idea of success into something much more universal.


There are three categories of growth that require consistent, conscious attention if we want to lead a more balanced and truly successful life.

1. Mental: relating to the mind (i.e. pursuing mastery of a craft or skillset)

2. Physical: relating to the body (i.e. pursuing optimal endurance and strength)

3. Spiritual: relating to the spirit (i.e. pursuing peace and harmony with life)

To live optimally, we should aim to complete every day feeling as though we’ve grown in each of these categories.

It’s important to know what we’re growing towards, but it’s more important to understand that to create and live a successful life, the process matters more than the product.

Start each day by deciding what ONE THING in each of these categories you could do to get better, and focus single-mindedly on each one until it’s done.

Deep focus on attaining mastery in each one of these categories will lead us to sense of satisfaction, otherwise known as…


When we achieve things that we’ve focussed intently on, it’s quite clear that a sense of fulfillment will naturally unfold within us.

However, if we’re already focussing on the next thing to achieve, it can be hard to allow ourselves to feel true fulfillment.

So, it’s a worthy practice to celebrate wins no matter how small.

Improved your test scores by 1%? (Mental)

Ran 1k further than yesterday? (Physical)

Listened deeply to a friend in need? (Spiritual)

It’s internal high-five time. Bask in it. Elongated celebration of wins will reinforce positive actions and make us accustomed to improving on all fronts.

This overarching sense of satisfaction leads to:


The big one. Freedom isn’t just a physical concept.

We should strive to be mentally, physically, and spiritually free.

Free of negative beliefs and emotions.

Free of ailments and physical setbacks.

Free to rejoin the ocean of life.

When you are free, you are happy.

At peace with life.



No matter what your chosen field is, this mental framework can help you achieve greater results and happiness by applying focus to your mental, physical, and spiritual goals, allowing yourself to bask in the glow of real fulfillment by regularly celebrating small wins in each category, and by striving for a perpetual state of mental, physical, and spiritual freedom.

Remember that it’s in your hands how you use the concepts, but to experience the greatest effects, use these three words like mantras after waking, before sleep, and throughout the day.

Program your mind for true success, and true success will follow.

Focus. Fulfillment. Freedom.


Originally published at