S – Sleep

  • Your bed is for sleeping, reading and intimacy.
  • When your head hits the pillow, it’s time to sleep, not think
  • Your bed should NOT be for: watching television, balancing your checkbook, planning the next day, arguing with your spouse, checking your e-mail, updating social media, texting, or making phone calls.
  • When in bed, books are OK, electronic devices are not.

P – Planning

  • Create a to-do list every morning. This gives you
    • a roadmap of what you need to do at the beginning of the day,
    • a reminder of what still needs to be done throughout the day and
    • a place to check off your accomplishments at the end of the day 

A – Anticipation

  • Recognize the false assumptions you make that lead to anxiety. Will things really turn out to be as bad as you think? Probably not.
  • When you look to the future, visualize success rather than failure. After all, you really don’t know which it will be. So why not anticipate the best?

R – Relaxation

  • Breathe deeply when you feel stressed. Get up and change your environment, if only for a short time.
  • Go for a walk at lunch.
  • Relaxation means taking a break from what you were doing, not just “vegging out.” For instance, watching television isn’t always relaxing; it can be dumbing and dulling. Find activities that calm your body and stimulate your mind.
  • Create a time for your own kind of meditation. Find a quiet space and a quiet time that’s just for you.

K – Kindness

  • Be empathetic and forgiving to others when they make mistakes. Like you, they’re trying to do their best.
  • Learn to give constructive feedback rather than destructive criticism.
  • When someone makes you angry, remember that you have a choice in how you react. Instead of yelling at that bad driver who cut you off, empathize – Don’t let their bad behavior cause you to feel badly

L – Laughter

  • Find the fun.
  • Use positive affirmations to keep yourself on track.
  • Affirmations should use the 4 P’s; personal, positive, passionate and present. For instance, “I am a confident and successful manager who always runs an amazing team.”
  • Find time to share a joke. Laugh at the curves life throws at you rather than fretting over them.

E – Eating and Exercise

  • Your body needs to be a well-tuned machine to manage all of the stresses that act on it. Successful people need to be fit to keep up the pace.
  • Avoid eating packaged snacks – anything that comes in a wrapper or plastic bag. Try natural fruit instead.
  • Add more colored vegetables to your meals.
  • Reduce caffeine in your diet. It’s a stimulant and can exacerbate physical symptoms of stress that you may already have. Choose water instead.
  • Avoid the escalator or elevator and take the stairs.
  • Find opportunities to go for a walk. Ideally, get exercise that causes you to sweat for twenty minutes at least three times per week.