The Importance of Regular Check-Ins With Employees _ Richard Greathead

In some organizations, managers rarely check in with their employees. If you’re in management, you should make regular meetings with employees a high priority. Here are some of the reasons why regular check-ins with employees are important.


Employee check-ins are important because they give the company an opportunity to identify, track, and maintain the organization’s goals. It is much easier for employees to know what is expected of them and why when they are checking in with their manager regularly. It’s critical that you have your whole team on the same page to help achieve big company goals. 


The second reason to check-in with your employees regularly is that it can prevent miscommunications between the employees and the employers. When the employees are checking on a regular basis, the can compare notes and make sure that the employees understand exactly what they are supposed to be doing on the job. If the employees are not checking in, there can be some misunderstandings or misinterpretations about directions on the job.


Checking in regularly also ensures that everyone inside of the workplace is engaged. The engagement of the employees is one of the main things that leaders should be concerned about. If employees frequently meeting with you, however, you will be able to evaluate their level of engagement with the company. Check-ins allow you to discuss what is going on within the company and address any concerns early.


Another reason to do check-ins regularly is that it takes the pressure off of end-of-year performance reviews. These reviews can be very intimidating. But when there are weekly meetings, the employees have a better idea of what they can expect at their end-of-year reviews because they have been receiving feedback all year long. It also allows employees to improve on any performance issues early.


Regular check-ins also allow the manager to get some insight on they can improve their management skills. It is important to remember that your employees are the people who will best help you reach your goals. Encourage your employees to provide you with honest feedback on a quarterly basis. Their responses will help you to advance your management skills and become a stronger leader.


Another great reason to do check-ins frequently is that check-ins will keep your team motivated. When employees know that they will be meeting with you weekly or monthly, they are more likely to push for short-term goals so they can receive a good report. Check-ins also show employees that you care and that you believe they are an important part of the business. Employees who feel valued will always work harder than those who feel unappreciated. 

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