Long ago, when humans hunted and gathered, our stress response was triggered by external danger. When this instinct was activated, it was the signal that the body received to release hormones that allowed us to have an ingenious reaction and a fast response time. This fight or flight instinct was vital to our survival.

Now we are in the modern world. Most of us need Klonopin online to hunt or gather to survive. Other “threats” now activate our response to stress, such as work, finance, and relationship issues. Stress can be temporary or it can continue in the long term, affecting hormones, mood, illness, and all aspects of your health and well-being.

What are the effects of stress on your health?

The impact of stress on health can be significant both physically and emotionally. Take into account the following effects derived from stress:

  • Colds, flu, viruses, and other illnesses
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Heart problems or attacks
  • Insomnia or interrupted sleep
  • Irritability and anger
  • Eat excessively
  • Pain
  • Stomach and gastrointestinal problems
  • Substance use
  • Concentration problems

What are the effects of stress on the immune system?

Over time, the effects of stress can build up in your brain and body. This kind of long-term or chronic stress can weaken your immune system and put you at risk for a variety of illnesses, from simple colds to more serious illnesses.

When you feel stressed, your body creates a hormone called cortisol, which enters your bloodstream. For brief periods, cortisol can help regulate many of the body’s natural functions, including sleep, weight, blood pressure, and blood sugar.  However, when under long-term stress, cortisol levels remain elevated. This can lead to inflammation and a lower white blood cell count, two problems that can weaken the immune system.

What are some of the causes of stress?

Virtually anything can cause stress, depending on the situation and order Klonopin online to handle it. But these are some of the most common stressors:

Employment and the workplace: Deadlines, demanding bosses, complicated colleagues, office politics, even harassment and discrimination in the workplace can all keep you up at night worried and in fear. Your job is an important part of your daily life. When things are not right, stress at work can increase. On the other hand, if you are unemployed, stressors can be linked to loss of income and basic needs, such as food and shelter.

Money and finances: Looming bills, credit card debt, debt collectors, identity theft, and fraud – even the act of checking your savings account balance – can all cause stress. For most people, money is a necessity. Some people have a hard time making ends meet and others are unemployed or underemployed. Concerns may arise about how to buy food, pay the electric bill, pay the doctor’s bill, and pay the rent or mortgage. The effects of stress can hinder survival and prosperity.

Disasters and Traumas: Natural or man-made disasters and traumatic events can have major impacts on a person’s life. Tornadoes, wildfires, hurricanes and floods can cause loss of lives, homes and communities. This kind of stress can be overwhelming. The stress of traumatic events, such as being the victim of a seizure or being involved in a serious accident, can also lead to deep and lasting health problems and stress.

Relationships and family: Children, divorce, separation, loneliness, and even the responsibility of caring for a family can all create stress. For people who must cope with the death of a loved one, cope with illness, or act as caregivers for a sick family member or older adult, stress also plays an important role in health and well-being.