How awesome will you feel if everything in life was super easy? No one wants to do anything that is remotely hard, I know I don’t!

However, the sad reality is that you are going to come across hard things in life; things that will make you cry, things that will make you exhausted, things that will make you question your existence. The million-dollar question is: What will you do in the face of hardship?

If you are like most people, your reaction to doing something hard will most probably be along the lines of “I wish I could do it but I have somewhere I need to be. Maybe I will do it next time.” With this attitude, Tyler Perry will not want to associate with you. YES! Tyler Perry.

Tyler Perry is a director, actor, producer and screen writer. He is famously known for the popular “Madea” Franchise. According to Forbes, this franchise has grossed more than 660 million dollars. By these standards alone, it is enough to say that Perry has had a successful career. But what majority of you do not know is that Tyler Perry had a traumatizing childhood.

Tyler was born and raised in New Orleans. Growing up, he was both physically and sexually abused. He got expelled from high-school and attempted suicide twice! At age 23, he moved to Atlanta where he began his career. He finally achieved success six years after trying and failing to hit with his theatre production, I Know I’ve Been Changed. Tyler Perry is currently worth One Billion Dollars. Tyler Perry’s story is both emotional and inspiring. Perry’s experience was extremely treacherous and awful. You can bet that there are times that he felt like giving up. But he didn’t.

As a human, you are afraid of challenging things. You strive hard to avoid anything that gives you a little discomfort. However, that fear is unwarranted. You can do anything hard. Your body, mind and spirit is designed to do hard things. But what if you fail?

It is okay if you fail. It is fine that after all the hard work, late nights, sweating and exhaustion, you end up failing. The failure gives you the gift of learning. It teaches you more about yourself. In fact, failure empowers you to work even harder. The easy thing is to do hard things since you end up becoming incredibly resilient and mentally strong.

Imagine the sense of joy and satisfaction when you achieve that goal that seemed impossible. And you do not have to do hard tasks alone. It is fine to ask for help.  Maybe you don’t realize it but you have done hard tasks before: Imagine there was a time as a child, you viewed learning how to walk as a hard thing!
