The Best Books for Small Business Owners - Lisbeth Cherrington

Effective business leaders rely on continuing education methods to remain unbeaten in their respective industries. Corporations may offer formal training events and usually recommend niche networking opportunities. Small business owners and entrepreneurs may not have access to the same resources as their large organizational counterparts. Instead, they tend to rely on business strategy books like the ones outlined below.

Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us

This authoritative text by business veteran Daniel H. Pink can perhaps best be described as authentic. Pink references multiple examples across many business industries, academic achievements, and personal goals. His synopsis in this loose psychological profile is that we are inherently driven by our internal sense of direction and free will.


Small business owners running into challenges and beginning to feel like they are spinning their wheels with no progress to show will benefit from Gino Wickman’s insight. In his latest book, Traction, Wickman introduces the Entrepreneurial Operating System, a systematic approach to dealing with discouragement and frustration.

Think and Grow Rich

Is this blockbuster guide from 1937 still relevant in the technology-driven 21st century? Virtually every successful business leader attributes their success, at least in part, to their avid reading habits. In most cases, this famous work by Napoleon Hill is among the most influential texts. Continually in print for over six decades, this charmer highlights the benefits of positive thinking and how it leads to successful planning and decision making skills.

Conquer the Chaos

No successful business can be conducted without organization, yet many busy executives and small business owners recognize their tendency toward daily chaos. Clate Mask and Scott Martineau explain their subtitle: How to Grow a Successful Small Business Without Going Crazy in simple steps that any busy entrepreneur can implement. The pair share tips and best practices that have been proven in their own lives and the countless small business owners who have adopted their organizational skills and management style.

Delivering Happiness

Wildly successful and entertaining, Zappos CEO Tony Hseih shares a plethora of useful anecdotes and lessons from his trial and error approach to life. His writing style is engaging, uplifting, and genuine. Hseih stresses the importance of personal happiness and a work-life balance that brings joy to business owners and the most important people.