To maintain a healthy lifestyle is a dream of almost every individual. To do so, many adopt a healthier lifestyle regime and put their heart and soul into achieving their goals. However, many consider food and exercise as the primary catalyst for a healthier life, but there’s a lot more that can be done to not only make you healthier, but happier as well.

 Success in our health and weight comes from what we eat and how we keep our bodies moving on a daily basis. Incorporating some healthy habits into your routine will help you live a more energetic life.

Here are a few lifestyle changes that will aid in improving your health:

Swap your coffee for tea

Coffee is loaded with caffeine in contrast to tea, and it leaves you wired all day. Caffeine has adverse effects on the quality of your sleep, causing sleep deprivation.

Sleep deprivation can lead to an increase in stress levels. Try to cut back on a few cups and replace them with herbal tea. I made a similar change and was pleasantly surprised with how I felt. I was still drinking a warm beverage, but with the coolness and calmness of decaf green tea extracts. There are several tea flavors available, so you will have a great time trying out all the different types.

Get enough sleep

I try my level best to get 8 hours of sleep each night. However, in most cases, I tend to miss my target thanks to my working life. As a result, I’m fatigued and lethargic throughout the day. Sleep deprivation increases cortisol levels in the body and can cause extreme sugar cravings, poor concentration, decreased energy and weight gain.

I know we all live in different circumstances and go through different situations in our lives where an hour of sleep is a prized possession for some. However, make your bedtime priority as it can have numerous positive effects on your overall well-being. Also, quality of your sleep is equally important. Try to keep your phone to silent and set the temperature of your room before you sleep. If you are having issues with having good sleep, consult your doctor.

Take the stairs instead of the elevator

Take stairs instead of elevators to keep yourself active and energetic. Keeping yourself mobile will not only have a positive impact on your health, but leave you feeling relaxed and energetic.

Even a slight increase in your physical level routine can release endorphins, which will not only make you energetic but will also improve your mental and emotional health.

Get outside

Why consume Vitamin D capsules or supplements when it can be obtained naturally from the sun? To strengthen your bones, Vitamin D is potentially the best option since it is readily available, inexpensive, and has numerous health benefits.

Moreover, science has also shown that a simple 20-minute walk can boost brain activity substantially, improving your productivity and health.

Take time to enjoy your food and chew your food slowly

Many people have a habit of eating in haste whereas some don’t even bother to stop working while eating their meals. However, taking some time out of your busy routine and sitting down to eat your meals will work wonders.

By taking some time out to enjoy your food, you will not just get a break from the daily stress, but it will also prevent you from unhealthy snacking in between your meals. Also, if you can’t avoid eating on the go or while you work, make the conscious decision to chew your food.

The saliva in a human’s mouth is full of enzymes that help to break down food, making it digestible. Chewing your food into smaller pieces helps the body to absorb the nutrients from your food as well.


Well, there is a lot more to health and well-being than just these five habits, but for me, this is a good place to start.  I try my best to follow these habits daily, and when I do, I feel really good about myself and my health.
