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As I’ve moved through my enlightened journey, I’ve found for me the most difficult piece is to fully surrender. What does it feel like to surrender? To let go, to believe without the seeing? At first it feels scary to give up control of the outcome. To have blind faith everything is coming to you. It feels painful, uncomfortable and unsteady. The more you practice it the more empowering it feels to give up controlled expectation.

“The more you go with the flow of life and surrender the outcome to God and the less you seek constant clarity, the more you will find that fabulous things start to show in you’re life.” Mandy Hale

When we surrender, we fully sit within our true selves. This allows desires to transform before our eyes. To feel fully engaged in something that feels fun, exciting and joyful! The creation expands us, moves us and truly inspires us. Then the only action we take feels like a symphony of collaboration of our inner self, the universe and harmony.

To surrender is to truly allow yourself to move past the things that block from within. It gives us the power to let go of situations and people we will never control. It transforms a problem into a miracle. To believe, to have faith, to surrender is our closest connection to our inner self.

“Surrender is faith that the power of love can accomplish anything…. even when you can foresee the outcome.”  Deepak Chopra

Free of fear, judgement and obstacles. This isn’t a new concept, it’s written in every religious and spiritual text. It’s been discussed by poets, artists, enlighten leaders and religious prophets throughout history. Surrendering is a true peace to know we are exactly where we are supposed to be. That everything is working as it should and we are always guided and protected. When we surrender, we can see the beauty of our life as it truly is and enjoy every second of our lives.

“Always say yes to the present moment ‘yes’ to the present moment Surrender to what is say ‘yes’ to life- and see how life starts suddenly working for you rather than against you.”  Eckhart Tolle
