Do you know that you are great, talented, intelligent and special. You are destined for success and not failure and made for greatness and not mediocrity. You are placed on this planet not to merely occupy space and time but to fulfil your life purpose which will benefit humanity. What you need to fulfil your life purpose and become an achiever you’re destined to be is self-efficacy. This is the belief that you have the potential, capacity, ability and all the other ingredients to fulfil your vision and achieve greatness in all spheres of life.

The key to achieving greatness is the realization of the inherent value in us and behaving like people of value we truly are. Nothing can hinder you from becoming what you envision yourself to be – a person to be reckoned with in your niche,  except yourself. “You become a branded failure only when you agree to be one and when you label yourself as one.” Pascal Nyasha. 

Groom and nurture yourself to be the best person that you envision yourself to be in all realms of your life. Never allow people or circumstances to define you or demean you; for you determine how your life becomes and not them. For God made you a Victor and not a victim in this life. 

Take home success gem. 

If you believe in yourself and your success nothing will limit or deter you from achieving your vision and mission in life. So shoot for the stars in all you do so that if you miss it you will settle on the moon.

Success Nugget for the day. 

Adopt a positive mantra and live by it : “Yes I can.” Keep moving forward; eyes focused ahead and your past where it belongs – firmly behind you,  till you become the achiever and success God predestined you to be in this world.