Self care has been around for quite some time now, and an increasing number of people are promoting it through talks, books, and shows. In fact, experts say that people who practice self care are more confident, productive, and creative. 

It’s clear that self care is definitely something you can benefit from. Not only will it make you love yourself more, but it also helps you build stronger relationships, communicate more effectively, and make better decisions. 

In a gist, self care is mindfully taking time to give attention to yourself. This is done not in a narcissistic way, but in a way that you are being taken care of by yourself. 

Here are ways to take care of yourself, according to experts: 

Have a hobby. 

Your hobbies can range from taking a road trip to destress yourself, accessorizing a second hand vintage car, or watching that favorite TV show of yours. Whatever hobby you choose, make sure it’s something you really enjoy. 

Doing activities that bring you joy has very real health benefits, says Dr. Kien Vuu, a professor at UCLA-David Geffen School of Medicine. He further stated that having a hobby has been shown to reduce stress, increase immunity, and decrease inflammation.

Get enough rest.

Another way to take care of yourself is getting enough sleep. Sleep plays a huge role in your emotional and physical well-being. Not getting enough can even lead to major health problems. Due to this, you should know how much sleep your body needs depending on your age. 

So before you go to bed tonight, ask yourself if you are getting enough sleep and if you seriously making an effort to do so. 

Take care of your body.

Diet and exercise go hand in hand for you to be the best version of yourself. A good diet gives your body the essential nutrients it needs, while exercise lets you burn unwanted body fat. 

Following the right diet doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to deprive yourself from eating your favorite food. It simply means that you have to make sure that you incorporate healthy meals into your daily diet. You also don’t have to do intense exercises. Even a 30-minute walk or run every day can help boost your endurance and reduce stress. 

Know your limits.

Knowing when to say no is just as important as knowing when to drink. Many people take this for granted, but the power of saying no is actually a major step towards total self care. 

If you find yourself saying yes to every request a friend or colleague makes, then it’s time for you re-evaluate yourself to know your limits. It’s not something to be shy of, because it just means that you are indeed a human who has limits that need to be honored so you can take care of yourself better. 

Please don’t hesitate to take care of yourself. Self care is the best thing you could ever offer yourself, and you shouldn’t think twice to do it. 
