Monica: It’s so wonderful to chat with you ladies!  Your company Majka is so incredibly needed in supporting new moms as they embark on their motherhood journey. How did it all come about?

Majo: After having my first baby, I was very aware and conscious of what I needed to do during pregnancy, but never thought about my postpartum. After having my baby, I realized how much I needed support and resources that could guide me through this journey.  I suffered from nutritional depletion and low milk supply, and there was nothing I could do about it. I had no time to cook healthy foods and with a lack of sleep and depletion, my milk supply stayed low. I knew there had to be a better way to help other moms improve their experience.

Lorena: I had been an entrepreneur for a long time before I became a mom and had no idea how demanding motherhood would be. Like Majo, I stayed very informed on my pregnancy but was very uneducated in the postpartum period. While it was incredibly rewarding, I struggled like many other new moms.

I wanted to be the best mom for my baby and the best wife to my husband, but I also wanted to continue pursuing my professional dreams. This led me to attempt the “Superwoman” role,  where you try to do everything but forget to take care of yourself. Three months after having my son, I was not doing well, yet everyone thought I was thriving because that’s what I led them to believe. I was scared of telling anyone how I really felt because I did not want them to see me as weak as I struggled. 

I was completely depleted and exhausted.

I finally realized that I couldn’t take good care of the ones I loved the most and chase my dreams if I wasn’t at my best. That’s when I changed my perspective and did not wait for anyone else to give me permission to take care of myself. I struggled with mom guilt, but I started to prioritize myself and saw the difference. This experience led me to start Majka with Majo, because we both wanted to help moms feel their best so they can better enjoy early motherhood. 

Monica: It’s so beautiful that you were both able to draw upon your own experiences as new moms to bond and come up with something that could help moms avoid what you went through. How did that motivate you to start Majka?

Majo: After going through this postpartum experience, Lorena and I knew there had to be a way through products and education to guide moms like us. So they don’t have to feel alone or unsupported, but feel empowered by knowledge, nutritional products, and community support. This is when the idea of Majka was born. We wanted to offer products that are truly safe and clean, made from the highest quality ingredients, and are effective so moms can feel great and better enjoy early motherhood.

Lorena: I realized that there were SO many moms like me! The ones who were struggling in silence because we all think that was “normal” to not feel at your best after having a baby. These were the women we wanted to help the most when Majo and I decided to start Majka, so we could make it easy, safe, and effective for moms to nourish their bodies. 

It’s crazy to think that the majority of moms are waiting for someone to tell them to do something for themselves after their baby is born. We naturally shift all our focus and attention to just the baby, despite the fact this is the time when we are needed the most to be at our best. 

Monica: It’s so true that a mother’s instincts are to nurture and protect those she loves, and it takes intentional action to care for herself. How has this realization shaped your views on your own health and happiness?

Lorena: My definition of health and happiness has changed so much in the past year. I now define happiness as doing what I am passionate about, and mindfully surrounding myself with the people I love who add to my life. 

I think a big part of happiness is also about having gratitude for where you are in your life and accepting that where you are is exactly where you need to be. As far as health goes, it is a continuous journey for me; there is no perfection, it’s a constant process of getting to know our bodies and doing our best to take care of it on a daily basis.

The work we do at Majka does keep us very focused on a mother’s health, which has really helped me understand it’s not possible to achieve balance when we’re constantly exhausting ourselves. Now I know that balance does not exist, but priorities do! 

I know what my priorities are, and I try to mindfully spend my time in those. I don’t waste time.

Majo: There are so many opinions about health and happiness. I believe that happiness comes from within and the only way to achieve true happiness is to feel healthy and content with yourself. Health is often perceived as only eating healthy or working out, but in reality, it’s just a path and lifestyle that we choose. 

If we take care of our bodies, it gives us that power and happiness from within.

My work has also taught me about the nourishing ingredients that replenish my body. It gave me the opportunity to learn more and meet so many highly experienced professionals that guided me through Majka. 

Today I see that pride and happiness through my work and our healthy environment that we live in as a company. We are continuously learning more about women’s health each day, especially their nutritional needs after having a baby. This has been the foundation to guide me through a healthier path.

Monica: As you create a healthier life for yourself and your community of moms, how do you feel connected to your purpose in life?

Lorena: For a long time, I did not understand what my purpose was; now, I know that it’s to inspire others and to help other moms see that everything they want is possible. You don’t have to settle, and you can thrive personally and professionally. And I get to do that by focusing on developing the best products and free resources to help new moms thrive. Our goal as a company is to help confused new moms feel good, empowered, and in control. 

Majo: I have always wanted to help make a change to benefit others’ lives, and Majka has been that tool for me. I feel so honored and grateful every day seeing our products and resources help so many moms around the world.

Monica: If there’s one piece of valuable advice or insight you want everyone to know, what would that be?

Majo: Determination and consistency have always been my secret. If you are determined to believe there is no other way to live other than being healthy, happy, and successful, then you need to be determined and consistent in your actions. Don’t listen to anyone that would try to convince you otherwise.

Lorena: Stop thinking about what others think about you, and live your life for you. In the end, you are the only one that lives with the consequences of your actions, not anyone else. Do what you think is right for you, not what you think others want you to do.

Learn more about Majka at:


  • Monica Mo, PhD

    Founder & CEO


    Monica Mo, PhD is the founder and CEO of WellSeek, a mental health & wellness community that's challenging society's unrealistic ideals to rewrite a healthier, happier world. What began as a passion for health and science led to Monica’s realization that her own behaviors contradicted her knowledge, inspiring the conception of WellSeek to guide others on their own path to health and happiness. She’s the Curating Editor of the WellSeek Collective and a member of the Council of Directors at True Health Initiative.