Become the leader you wished you had so that you can build an organization that puts people first. Togetherness is better under all circumstances for creating results. Results do not come from knowing; they come from motivated employees acting on what they feel is right.

Knowledge is only other people’s findings. The future is wisdom, and wisdom is learning from and acting on what you believe in. Experience is the new way of learning, and much of our education trains us to be followers, not leaders.  Whether the result of the experience is good or bad, what do you think is the downside of this way of leading? I only have one answer: The worst that can happen is that you learn and grow as a leader and human.

In the beginning of 2002, I found a formula that changed my work and life. What I found, I wanted to share with everyone, and the result was the book The Law of Possibilities: How to get what you want. I found that a great leader is the master of manifestation, who can call on all humans to serve the greater good. When the power to co-create is used with integrity, great beauty and benefit flow to all. When the power to manifest is used only for personal gain, everyone suffers. Never forget that the world is only mirroring back to you the condition of your love and intent, so a great leader changes from within before they take any action. You can never lead others until you have learned to lead yourself.

I also took a deeper glance at myself as a leader at that time, and started to look at all my facets of light and darkness. I found that the most important part was what I chose to express, at any given time. Who did I want to be [also as a leader] and how did I want to live my life? I found that it was not about bothering about everyone else, but rather entirely about looking at myself. I started out by asking the question: Who was I now and what is my potential? I found that I wanted to look ahead and make sure I was always moving toward my natural, powerful potential.

We are living in a transforming world these days where business, as usual, is outranged. Leaders who create the best bottom lines are those who put people first. To me, the bottom line is a result of loyal customers and a working environment where employees feel happy and satisfied by the end of the day. Focusing only on the bottom line is something that belongs to the past leadership model.

What is the difference between a good and a great leader?

What you focus on and give your energy and attention to will become a reality, whether you want it or not. So, what do you really want as a leader or employee?

The proven difference is emotional intelligence. And it can be learned. To learn emotional intelligence, there are valuable tools that I found are working out for everyone. It is all about reprogramming and refreshing your thinking to become a great leader. When you know that what you give focus, energy, and attention becomes a reality, then the important question to ask yourself is: How can I then grow as a leader or employee from where I am in the now?  

Ukjent, Identitet, Uoppdaget, Avdekke, Vet, Vite

If you knew that energies are everywhere, all the time, and can never be destroyed and if you knew that you are energy and what you radiate influences others as much as your own emotions, do you then think you are a great leader? The answer is obvious; we have great days and bad days and it all has to do with what we feel inside in the now. Those emotions affect others whether you believe it or not. Then you probably understand how important it is to handle your emotions, and only observe your feelings. Emotions are stored feelings; and a great leader is always living the ‘now’ and therefore handling these feelings in the moment instead of looking at, and taking actions from, the past. Now you might understand why the outcome of what you will achieve in life is all about what kind of energies you initially add to the situation—the energies with which you nourish your mind and your thoughts. Energies are, in other words, the basic physiological explanation of positive and negative thinking as a leader of yourself or others.

Are you leading in the now?
Honesty, authenticity, and simplicity are leadership skills that can increase trust in yourself as a leader and those you lead, resulting in the empowerment of all and the ability to take calculated risk to grow as a person and as an organization.

There are three easy steps to achieve growth:

1. Define your dream/goal

2. Increase the frequencies—believe it is possible

3. Allow it to happen

The third step implies not having any doubts. This step is not just the most important, but also the most challenging. The most common source of doubt is our limiting system of belief.

These three steps have had an impact on many people and to me, personally. Therefore, I would love to share a story from real life, about both leadership and entrepreneurship.

Jens had simultaneously started three businesses and had just as much focus on all of them. The result was that he ran two of them adequately well and the last one just alright; but at least it made money. Concurrently, this creative soul had the idea of creating a group of agents on the internet within himself. As you surely understand, there was something lacking in his focus and his consciousness. To have the same amount of focus in three different directions is quite hard, something that Jens has started to understand too.

He quickly got the point of the geniality of the three steps I mentioned earlier, and inspired as he was, sat down to straighten out his business. The result was that he closed two of them, sold the third, and put all his energy into the idea of gathering everyone who holds lectures and courses on one website.

Jens cleared his mind, threw out all his ‘energy thieves’, increased his awareness, and focused on what his dream really was.

As you can tell from the story, Jens focused all his energy on his dream. He spent some time deciding how to structure the company, what the product is supposed to be, who he wants to work with, and how big he pictures the business to be in the future. He created a detailed and lucid wish list that is necessary to reach the dream. He brought together all his positive energy, increased the frequencies, and had faith and confidence in the dream he wished to realize, fully in line with what has to be done to make The law of possibilities work.

If you have experienced what the law really can do for you, then it will easily become an important way of life. What is really exciting about this story is that everyone who works with Jens is focused on possibilities and they use the law on a day-to-day basis. The Law of Possibilities is actually a part of the human resource policy of the company and the growth they have had so far. With the law as their main tool, the start of the business has been very successful. Their customers are positive, the results are flowing in like beads on a string, and all the drawn-up wishes, even when it comes to turnover, are where they are supposed to be.

Leading, in all forms, is not that complicated if you know the three steps [mentioned above] and keep in mind that simplicity brings out the highest efficiency; then your goals too are within reach at all times.

I want to share a quote by Simon Sinek, one of my favorite inspirers, “In order for a culture to be strong, your values must be clear and your values must be lived.” I could not agree more.

My deepest desire is that each one of us finds possibilities in our personal life and business life and through that create a future world of peace. So, find your potential and passion, follow the inspiration of the moment, and always contribute to something greater than yourself.

Statistics and other people’s findings never move mountains, but experience does. Great leadership always starts with seeing possibilities.