Parents are the first role model for their children. Not only do parents teach their children how to succeed academically, but they also have an impact on their child’s emotional intelligence.

Encouraging children to succeed scholastically or in the realm of sports is important to most parents, but there are also benefits to raising emotionally intelligent children. These benefits will assist children throughout their lifetime.

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is the ability to engage in interpersonal relationships thoughtfully and with empathy, while also having the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s own emotions. Read more about emotional intelligence below.

Labelling Emotions

A child who can label emotions is a child who is more easily emotionally cognizant of their own emotions as well as the emotions of others. All children can benefit from labeling emotions by discussing characters in books and movies. Parents can introduce the emotions wheel to help their children describe how they are feeling.

Showing Empathy

Emotions are complex and the same situation can evoke a wide range of emotions from different people. Children who can distinguish how someone else is feeling are more empathetic. Parents should also model empathy when their child is upset or sad.

Coping Skills

Life brings problems, but it is how the problems are dealt with that can speak volumes to others, especially a child. Feelings have the tendency to impact our behavior. Directly teaching a child to calm themselves down, cheer themselves up, or face their fears are all beneficial coping skills. Learning how to regulate feelings uses the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain that is responsible for higher-order brain functions.

Problem Solving Skills

Coaching your child to solve problems can give them the confidence they need to eventually solve their own problems. The adult should give the child a few possible solutions, and have the child choose the solution with the most pros. Problem-solving requires emotional intelligence because the child must consider all those who will be affected by the solution.

Emotional intelligence will help a child grow into a respectful and caring adult who considers others in their decision-making.
