How do the regular people start their morning? They press snooze button on the alarm, drag themselves out from the bed at the last minute, get freshen up, some of them take breakfast and some not, and then they run for office, being like, “I’m going to be late today, and then the horrible call from HR asking for explanation”. Is this a good start by any way? There is a huge chance of facing accident on the way or any types of trouble at home. Sometimes when I wake up late, everything get messed up. Even sometimes I don’t find my socks (!!). How terrible is this, huh? I know someone who lives just near to his office and becomes late almost every day. As per him, “I don’t need to wake up so early. I’ll rise when almost half of the employees reach at the office.” He never gets time to have breakfast at home, sometimes nothing before lunch. What’s your opinion? Isn’t it harmful for his mental and physical health?

According to the medical science, regularly eating breakfast can help you lose weight, improve your mood, and even help ward off disease. Breakfast is quite literally the meal meant to “break the fast” from all the hours you spend sleeping, and skipping it is known to cause a slew of bad chain reactions throughout the body.

People’s perception is different. Few are morning risers and few are night owl. But we all start morning at some point. And we all seem to start it differently. To me waking up in the early morning is an achievement. I get enough time to prepare myself for this day. In my word, it’s another chance gifted by God.

At the morning, few start with checking their online activity and few start with prayer. There are also many other ways to start a day. Now which morning routine will you pick? My answer is, “choose according to your kind, your importance, and priority basis”. Successful people start their morning differently and follow their mind.

According to the science, start with your own wish. This will help you to make the morning perfect. Do something significant, and meaningful. The reason is clear, we are limited with our self-control. You can think of self-control as a muscle–fatigue sets in after effort. The longer the day goes on, the more exhaustion your self-control experiences, the more important it is to make those early morning hours count.

Mark it done the biggest task in the morning.

Here I’m mentioning Mark Twain’s advice,

“Eat a live frog first thing in the morning, and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.”

If you can complete your first task perfectly, rest will be simply stress-free for you. The process of eating frog is also easy. Take a piece of paper at the end of your work, write what is the biggest task for tomorrow, and stick it in your desk, so that you can start this early in the morning next day when you come at office. Do the same every day. Trust me, it works.

Apples Dreamer and former CEO Steve Job’s formula was pretty awesome and different. He told something interesting in his commencement address in Stanford University convocation. He told,

“For the past 33 years, I used to look in the mirror every morning and ask myself: If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?

And whenever the answer has been no for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.”

Benjamin Franklin’s Daily Routine

Few tips to make your morning routine perfect:

– Set alarm to wake up and an alarm to go to sleep.

– Turn off internet connection in your phone

– Develop a morning routine for weekdays and weekends differently (Wake up time should be the same as always)

– Listen to your body clock.

– Have a healthy breakfast

– Track your habits to understand yourself better.

I’m not someone who is highly renowned or any popular personality, but I follow a routine for mine and it increases my productivity at work and helps me to keep my mind fresh when I start my day officially. Here it is:

– Wake up at 6 in the morning

– Get freshen up

– List down my tasks for today

– Read top news and check my personal email

– Breakfast

– Out for work

I’m interested to hear about your routine too. You can write me a mail or get connected on facebook.

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