Panache Desai

Today’s pod guest is extraordinarily special to me and millions around the world: Panache Desai

Panache is a spiritual thought leader, best selling author and featured guest on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday. His mission is to help us learn how to quiet the fear and anxiety within, and discover the powerful wholeness that exists inside us all. Today we celebrate his brand new book, You Are Enough, a must read and available for pre-order now. 

Panache says…


And you don’t even realize you’ve lost yourself along the way.

The clues are there…When success doesn’t bring lasting joy…When the emptiness won’t go away…When the accumulation of “things” won’t fill the void…When the loneliness can’t be met…When you resist everything that’s unfolding…When life is just too overwhelming…This isn’t the end.. It’s the beginning of something wonderful. Of the revelation of the ultimate truth. Of you claiming your authenticity and vulnerability. Of you living your best everything. If you’re ready to step into your most empowered life…

This book  (You Are Enough) is where you start… “

Our conversation goes deep. Panache explains the framework around enlightenment in a way that’s simple yet profound and easily actionable. We touch on the synchronicities of meeting at Rythmia Life Advancement Center and how he cured me of a life long battle of body-dysmorphia in five minutes over breakfast.

I’m honored to share this rare gem with you. 

Connect with Panache: 





Pre-Order his brand new book:

You Are Enough by Panache Desai

Discover his best selling book:

Discovering Your Soul Signature by Panache Desai


The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield


  • Michelle Sorro

    Heart Centered Entrepreneur and Transformational Trainer

    A Top 10 in Self-Development, Fire and Soul is a weekly dose of spiritual principles, personal development and business guidance. Here’s to creating the life and impact of your dreams without the hustle, grit and grind - only ease, grace and flow. Host Michelle Sorro, TV Host turned Heart Centered Entrepreneur and Transformational Trainer, shares real talks with global game changers, spiritual luminaries, and high-performance experts in this unfiltered and transformational podcast. Featuring insights from A-Listers (Jack Canfield, Panache Desai, Dave Asprey, Danielle LaPorte, Natalie Ledwell, Jairek Robbins, Joseph McClendon III, Alison Armstrong, Mastin Kipp, Preston Smiles, and more!), as well as mini self-development masterclasses, each episode is designed to empower you to take immediate, inspired action for cultivating an epically aligned life!