You may have heard the well-known proverb said by the Dalai Lama, “See the positive side and make an effort.”

The National Science Foundation says that an average person has more than 10000 to 50000 thoughts every day. Of those, 80% are negative, and 95% are repetitive. 

Living in this digital age, we deal with so many actual and virtual people. Naturally, we don’t like to spend time with all people because certain people don’t have that drive to energize you with positive thoughts. 

Do you feel your brain pushes you to make negative decisions? Is a stream of negativity slowly damaging your life? If the answer is yes, it means you need to take adequate steps to combat this. 

First of all, negativity is a very common problem. Usually, your surroundings play a very critical role when it comes to dealing with negativity. Your peers, friends, family, and those with whom you spend lots of time could be the reason behind your negative attitude towards life. 

Typically, there are 10 to 20 negative thoughts that your mind encounters again and again. All you need to work on them by following a strategic approach, and you will start feeling better within a few days. 

Manifest Your Mind With Positive Energy

Just like your cupboard and home, your mind also needs tidying from time to time. Getting rid of all negative thoughts is significant to live a happy and productive life. However, it depends on your nature and attitude also but luckily, here we have presented a few tactics that will help you prevent dwelling on negative thoughts and set your mind to perform something positive. So, without any fuss, let’s get started. 

Do What Makes You Happy

If you follow this one simple rule, then half of negativity and anxiety will stop bothering you. Usually, people do things to impress others; this will lead them to perform certain tasks that do not entertain them. Eventually, fear of being judged by others results in negativity. Do things that make you happy, listen to your heart, and do things that bring joy and contentment. 

You might be familiar with Marie Kondo, a Japanese author. She has shared a wonderful tip in one of the books. Whenever you are cleaning your room or performing any important task at the workplace, ask yourself “does it bring joy”? For instance, if you have found an old dress but instead of throwing it out, you want to keep it because it flashes back good memories when you hold that dress. That’s the same thing Kondo explains to people. 

Find answers to some important questions that will help you feel better and also clutter negativity from your mind. Questions like

  • What is one thing that makes you happy?
  • What is one thing that can you perform with full dedication?
  • What new things will you learn after dealing with this?

Once you sort with the above questions and find answers, you will easily be able to discard every negative thought that comes in a way.  

Being in NOW

Another exciting way to escape from negative thoughts is to clear your mind. Yes, mindfulness helps you increase inner peace and let you enjoy the current moment without thinking of the past or future. Thinking of the past often leads to anxiety and depression, and thinking about the future makes you miserable. 

Hence, being utterly present in the current moment can delight your mood and gives you a feeling of contentment. One of the mindfulness techniques is where you eat your favorite dishes. Instead of just chewing it, enjoy each bite with full pleasure. Eat small pieces and experience how it feels in your mouth. 

The reason that mindfulness is important is that it prevents negative thoughts and enables you to focus on the present. Gradually, you will stop being affected by the past, future, and negative thoughts. 

Bring Positivity into Other’s Life

It is a human tendency to think about situations and people who are not part of their lives. This often leads to unhappiness in our minds. Whenever you get stuck in negative thoughts and fail to find a way to come out of them, focus on someone else and show gratitude for all things and people. 

You could help someone else; adding positivity in others’ lives may feel you better and optimistic. Slowly, you will start observing things from others’ perspectives, which will ignite your mind to do something better for you and others. There are several ways to add positivity to other’s life, 

  • Be kind
  • Show gratitude
  • Help them out
  • Listen and be there whenever they need you

Once you show gratitude for what you have, it will keep your mind happy and automatically increase your energy level to achieve productive things. 

Limit the Amount of Media Consume

Living in the digital age, we can not imagine our life without scrolling social or news sites. The media you consume leaves a huge impact on your thoughts and mental health. 

We spend our majority of the time reading blogs, watching trending videos, scrolling posts on social sites, etc. This often gives birth to digital jealousy and makes you insecure. These days, we are overloaded with information, but it can sometimes clog your brain and create anxiety and stress in your mind. 

Hence, it would be good if you limit the amount of time you spend on the Internet. Consume and focus on what is necessary, cut-down all that media-related clutter from your mind. You can also prioritize what type of information you want to get and what adds value to your daily life. Be selective about the information you want to get. 

Stay Close to Nature

Today, we are surrounded by lots of people, gadgets, and other things and often overlook nature. Surround yourself with the natural world, and if possible, spend some quality time in nature’s lap; it will really help you heal your mind and encourage you to take positive actions. Experience the beauty of nature around you and reset your brain. 

For instance, you can sometimes go upstairs to the office to watch the sunset; it will heal your mind and feel positive. Keep the windows open and let fresh air and sunlight touch your body; it will immediately give you positive energy and remove unwanted thoughts from your mind. 

Here’s the Next Step 

In addition to these ways, cutting out negative people from your life can be helpful to lead a happy and positive life. It all depends on your nature and attitude towards things, so be bold, take moves and take small steps with a positive outlook.

  • Observe your thoughts; they become words
  • Focus on your words; they become actions
  • Watch your actions; it becomes your destiny.

Once you start following these, you will start focusing on fruitful things, and negative thoughts won’t affect you anymore. Gradually, these thoughts will stop coming, and your life will automatically become prosperous and happy. 

A happy and positive mind will make your life easy. 

Have a powerful and joyous day!