What do you do when things get messy?

Not messy-messy, but rather sluggish. Such as, the person putting together your podcast doesn’t show up for a month although they are already paid, because they move house but they failed to let you know beforehand.

And your at-home trainer gets a full time job and quits.

Or you need to get mail to the post-office but it is a public holiday.

And it is raining at the end of May, for heaven sakes!

Usually, I’d say go head-on and mend what’s wrong. But on a rainy Monday morning? Let’s be realistic, shall we? Here is what I think:

  1. Start from what you can change immediately. Instant gratification is undervalued.

2. Unload the dishwasher. Now you have pots and cups to get you through the day.

3. Put the pile of clothes out of the way, hang what you can, fold what you can, put into the closet. Get rid of what you hate seeing popping up, let alone wearing it. The rest goes to the washing pile.

4. Put that washing machine to work.

5. Now text the kids Goodmorning. You know how kids in our days wake up late, so no need to stress over calling first thing in the morning and setting yourself up for failure.

6. Go read a chapter from Anya Hindmarch “If In Doubt, Wash Your Hair” but don’t do it yet. See below.

7. I know, you need a massage. Followed by a champagne and seafood lunch. Not just yet. Read on.

8. Make an omelet. I like mine with veggies I normally avoid and avocado. Trust me, there is something in eggs that mends the soul.

9. Make a coffee. Or tea. Make it warm and smelling well. Don’t order, make it. It is empowering to know you no longer depend from a delivery company for food or pleasure.

10. Have a face massage, scrub, spritz and hydrate. You are beautiful, show off whatever God has given you.

11. Now get out of the superwoman t-shirt (photo above) and be one.

12. Book some calls with your coach. We all need help, even people who help others -no, make it “especially those who help others”, don’t forget that.

13. NOW you are ready to tackle your boss’s email who needs a reply to your reply to his reply, and the finance declaration that needs to be sealed and put in your bag to be posted tomorrow morning.

12. Finish off correcting the final draft of your five-year labor, before it goes up in the stratosphere of the university library. It is done, it is good enough as it is. Make space for your next masterpiece.

13. Ditch that voice who says you can do it all and have it all. ENOUGH is the word, and you are the only one who can say what is enough for you.

14. Go have a bath and -now is the time-hair wash. Blow dry.

15. Put some fresh clothes on, your teenage “all is possible” perfume (mine is Eternity by Calvin Klein), and a glass of …. (fill the dots at your pleasure) and watch a movie. You’ve earned your Netflix. Go immerse yourself into someone else you want to be. There, let go!..

CONGRATULATIONS! You did it! You made it through a messy Monday morning. You have put order where you could. Have a clear sailing, smooth week ahead!

Wherever you are, start where you are, with who you are. That is good enough!
