We all yearn for moments and places for renewal. As we look after ourselves we show kindness to ourselves and listen to our inner guiding system. Creating a space for mindful walk enables us to go within, to listen to what we feel and what we want or need. There is much evidence that spending time in the nature and appreciating it makes us happier and healthier. With mindful walking we breath new air to our lives. When there is no nature around or time is limiting, take a mindful walk from the office to the car, around the block or wherever you are.

“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks”.

– John Muir

Imagine letting your mind and body fall into silence in this walk

In this walk there is nowhere to go, we solely come back to this moment with each step. As this moment is all we have. Concentrate on your steps. You feel the ground under your feet. Bring happiness and peace to each step. With mindful walking you notice coming into silence and really listen to yourself. In silence you become aware of body sensations feeling more connected with the surroundings. Immerse in your surroundings in silence and let go of the constant babble in your head. Let all five senses open up (sight, smell, sound, touch and taste). You may feel your gaze soften as you look around. You start to hear all sounds around you and the spaces in-between. You feel the air on your skin, the temperature of it. You see the trees, rocks, grass and whatever is around you. You notice the sunlight or shadows. Bring sense of wonder and curiosity to your walk.

After mindful walking you can bring your attention to the healing affects on your mind, body and spirit. The walk helps us calm our minds relieves stress and energizes us. As troubled minds become calmer it enables us to find solutions, practice patience or take action, whatever is needed in our lives. It helps us to live more consciously. Practising mindful walking widens our ability to stay awake and aware in daily lives.

“Nature is ever at work building and pulling down, creating and destroying, keeping everything whirling and flowing, allowing no rest but in rhythmical motion, chasing everything in endless song out of one beautiful form into another”.

– John Muir

Originally published at medium.com


  • Pia Robson

    NLP Life Coach, sporty Finn

    Pia is a certified Life Coach with a passion for helping people to make their lives better. She guides people to find building blocks for sustainable healthy and happier lives. She gets fuel from outdoor activities, cross country skiing, reading and playing tennis.