Who is Keandra at her core?

At my core, I am a lover of God. A woman who wants the best for everyone she encounters. I’m strong, yet sensitive and I’m a protector. I don’t mind getting dirty and I know that I was born to challenge the status quo.

 What do you do?

I am the founder and President of Keystone Business Institute. A higher learning facility created specifically for the entrepreneur, taught by entrepreneurs. I’m also business analyst, speaker, author and mentor. 

What made you decide to become an entrepreneur?

The moment I walked into the hair salon that I patronized; I knew that I wanted to have financial and time freedom. I started working at 14 as an assistant at a local hair salon. Working there allowed me to see all of the benefits entrepreneurs had to offer. I also, knew that it was the easiest way for me to help people on my terms! 

What does success mean to you?

Success for me means that I get to wake up every morning according to my own schedule. I have the financial freedom to support myself, help my family and be an avid producer in the kingdom. I get to plan what each day looks like for me. 

What challenges have you faced and overcame?

Wow, that’s a loaded question! I’ve overcome rape, mental abuse, rejection, slander, foreclosure, repos, being a single mother, relationship losses and having to close down my salon business at its peak to become my mother’s full-time caregiver. I’ve overcome them all! 

Do you believe women understand who they are and their true potential?

I don’t believe so. If we did, you would see more women collaborating, connecting, versus backstabbing, stealing ideas and lacking the ability to truly support each other. 

Once we as women, truly understand the power that we collectively have, especially as entrepreneurs, we’d be able to break ground faster and build our communities at exponential rates. 

Most women that I’ve connected with like myself have been through literal hells and back which at times strips us of the ability to see ourselves, our skills and abilities as God created us to see and operate. We sometimes see ourselves as broken, shattered pieces, never whole enough to fully operate in the level of success that was destined for us. 

When in reality if we were to truly operate at our maximum potential. We would be unstoppable!

My mission is to help entrepreneurs truly see and functionally operate in their true divine potential. 

What is the B.O.M.B?

The B.O.M.B is the first business consulting firm that I started. It was the launching pad to my dreams. The acronym means Bold Operations for Managing Business. I am known as The Bomb Mentor because of the way I strategize, create and build. 

What is next for you and your brand?

We’re excited about the launch of Keystone Business Institute and growing our local and national community involvement. 

Any advice for women who are struggling in life and business?

-First and foremost, take some time to fast and pray. During that time pour your heart out to God. But, also be willing to be quiet enough to hear his answer and get his directives.

-Surround yourself with people who truly believe in you and your vision! 

– Don’t doubt the promise in the midst of the process. 

– You were born in victory! Success is your inherited birth right. Now, how you monitor, handle and operate the success will determine the length of your success.

– There is NOTHING in the world that you can’t do if you choose to consistently do the work. 

– #Shifthappens – Let it 

– And finally #Moveafraid! 

Instagram @keandraward or @keystonebusinessinstitute

Website: keystonebusinessinstitute.com

Keandraward.com ( coming soon) 


  • Dr.Cheryl Peavy

    Fear less n less Coach

    Cheryl Peavy The Quiet Storm

    Dr.Cheryl Peavy is an international best-selling visionary & author, transformation coach and speaker who provides women with self-development tools to smack fear in the face, step into their purpose and achieve their inner desires of their heart.  Her coaching style of love, encouragement and support results in an abundance of personal growth & transformation.   Her 6-time best-selling books, “The Diary of a People Pleaser”, “Fabulous New Life Vol II’, “20 Beautiful Woman”, “The Woman Behind the Mask, “His Grace Is Sufficient” “Girl Get Up And Win” & “God Says I Am Battle-Scar Free, pt.4” has positively impacted over 1000 women.  As contributing writer for both, Miz CEO Entrepreneurial and Thrive Global magazines, she continues to share her message of helping women to love themselves, stomp out fear and achieve their ultimate dreams.   As founder & CEO of Cheryl Peavy, LLC, her purpose and passion is to help women facing life-traumatic situations heal within in.  Her style of coaching, guides, educates and inspires women to show up in their greatness and create the life of their dreams. She created a social media movement, “She Is You, I Am You”, encouraging and motivating women to see themselves through God’s eyes and not the worlds.   Cheryl’s proudest moment is being a mom to her wonderful & talented son, Christian and when she’s not serving her clients, she enjoys bowling, dancing and playing Pac-man.