Everyone hopes to live the best life, but does anyone know how to achieve it? Everyone’s perspective of the best life is different. Some people think getting into their dream college will be the best life for them while some may believe that signing a new deal will bring forth their best life.

If we asked you about your current life, what would you say? Do you think you are happy and satisfied? Would you call it the best life? Or the life that you may have wished for ten years ago?

Most people will answer no. But you should know that since it’s your lifeyou have to take charge of it. The events that take place in your life might not always be in your control, but your reaction to those events is.

As absurd as it may sound, the reaction you have to a specific event occurring now might control an event in the future. Whatever you do now is entirely your responsibility, so you must take control of it.

You can change things by making certain choices that will have an impact on the paths you choose in the future that will lead to your best life. We will help you with some tips to guide you through!

Head Space

Clear your head and get rid of any negative thoughts which will only dampen your spirits and hinder your progress.

If you have any worries or regrets about the future or the past, let them go. Work on the present because you will soon find out that there are many things that you cannot control. Your worries will settle with time, so do not lose your focus and live your best life.

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Living List

You may want to go skydiving or paragliding or walk down the Great Wall of China. It can even be something as small as revisiting a museum from your childhood. These are things that you want to do that may give you a sense of accomplishment.

Make a living list. Checking off these things from your list will give you a feeling of satisfaction and achievement. It will also give you direction and purpose, which are perhaps the core ingredients of living your best life.

Overcome Your Fears

Fear dissipates once you overpower it. Conquering fear by overcoming it is vital to achieving the best life. The strength and confidence that you gain from overcoming your fears will help to achieve even greater things in the future. 

Life Is Short

Life is short and time doesn’t wait for anyone, so you have to take charge of your life right now – at this very moment. Live each day like it’s your best day. Carpe diem!


  • Mark Danaher

    Career, Life and Leadership Coach, Virtual Speaker and Trainer

    Careers by Design LLC

    Mark Danaher is a career/life/leadership coach and certified career counselor who helps leaders elevate their careers and life to one they will love.  He helps his clients make the best of tough situations so they can be their best professionally and personally.   Mark uses coaching along with his extensive career development knowledge and expertise to offer his clients a uniquely holistic approach to making career and life pivots.  He helps his clients manage burnout, stress, and anxiety, integrate balance into their lives so they can make a meaningful change in their lives. He uses a holistic narrative career approach to help people tell their stories and learn from their careers and life.  Mark completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Connecticut in Economics and History and went on to earn his Masters at the University of Connecticut in Counseling Psychology.   Mark was the President of the National Career Development Association in 2014-2015 and continues to volunteer for the organization.   He is certified as a Certified Professional Coach, Certified Career Counselor, Holistic Narrative Career Professional, Retirement Options Coach, 2 Young to Retire Coach, Job, and Career Development Coach, Job and Career Transition Coach, and a Certified Career Service Provider.  Mark is a Master Trainer for the Facilitating Career Development Certificate and School Career Development Advisor certificate is actively coaching training, and teaching throughout the year.  He is now a Master Practioner of the Energy Leadership Index which is a great assessment to understand how you use your energy in your everyday life and under stress.  It gives you a great insight into how you can improve your everyday interactions and connections with colleagues, employees, family, and beyond.