Do you ever find yourself stuck in traffic, thinking what the “he#$” and getting upset? You start beeping your horn and checking the time, or is it the line at the grocery store that presses your impatience button?

Now more than ever, we all need to learn to cultivate “the virtue called patience”. 

What Is The Fuel Behind Impatience?

  • A paucity mindset – there is not enough for everyone
  • Fear – you will miss out, uncertainty, you are not prepared
  • Need – to be in control, to feel safe, be heard, feel loved

Do You Greet Life Patiently Or Impatiently?

If you answered impatiently, do not worry, you can still acquire the skill of patience.  I must confess, I still must be mindful, because impatience is something I struggle with.  Our actions are often dictated by our m.e.n., sorry men: mindset, emotional landscape, and needs.

3 Steps To Use The Time Wisely

  1. SLOW DOWN to listen and learn what the universe is trying to teach you.  There is a reason for everything that happens in your life; yet, if you close yourself off by holding on too tightly to your m.e.n, you are liable to break with the slightest change, the slightest stress.  Think of “the straw that broke the camel’s back”.  That straw was able to destroy the camel, because he held on too tightly to his m.e.n and when he was most vulnerable (exhausted by the weight of these m.e.n), a small weight toppled him. 
  2. LET GO: let go, throw away, clean out, or discard your limiting beliefs, destructive emotions, and unrealistic thinking. When you hold on to things, you clutter up your emotional landscape, block your view and prevent the light from getting in.  It is difficult to see in the dark and often you mistakenly make the wrong decision when you are uncertain (cannot see/think clearly).
  3. BE OPEN: when you let go, you create space in your heart and mind to opportunities for love and your growth. When you are open, it is easier for the light to get in, and it is much easier to see what can be possible.

Gain Clarity As A Bonus

Use the time to gain clarity, which simply means get clear.  Get a clearer picture by shifting your focus, gather all the facts, examine all the evidence, and learn the truth. 

The view through the “eye of a needle” is much smaller than the view through an open window.  Remove the junk that is cluttering your landscape and confusing your mind to get a wider view and a different perspective.

A Signal To Get Your Attention

Take the time to learn from what you think and believe is a closed door or missed opportunity to get what you need.  Instead view it as the universe teaching you to think bigger, to go beyond your comfort zone, and open your eyes to your abundant possibilities. 

Be patient, free yourself from your confinement and gain the clarity to make healthy decisions that increae the quality of your life. So, let go, take a leap of faith and trust that you are equipped with the right tools and abilities to make a smooth landing.