Trying to break a little habit this week. I have found myself completely OD’ing on PB2! Do you know the stuff?? It’s become a bit of a nutritional obsession personally. It used to be something I added to my protein shakes here and there. Then I started mixing some up to use as a dip for sliced apples. YUM! It was the perfect quick breakfast. But then I needed breakfast to be even quicker and I started skipping the apple and just down a few gobs of PB2 and all it’s decedent flavors.
Not a seriously bad habit (and PS- I never try to judge any habit as either good or bad…and that’s a whole other topic in and of itself that I can rap on FO’ sure) but a habit that I see as not serving me.
And so that leads to the process that I use for effectively breaking a habit I want to change. Thought I would share…
1-you notice that something you are doing feels out of alignment with your greater vision for your life. Like…I want to “feel a certain way in my body but I keep putting these foods in that don’t create the feeling I really want.” Boom! Out of alignment!! 

Next step…

2-ask what that higher version of you would do? “How does that exquisite energetic version of me fuel herself? Would she just mix up a little PB2 in a rush in the morning? Or would she have a nourishing and complete breakfast?” The answer is the latter of course!! 

Next step…

3-here is the part where it’s easy to get stuck. Here is the place where the tendency to compare yourself to other who have what you want comes up. Where you start to feel overwhelmed…like “OMG, I can’t do this. It’s too much. It’s too hard to change…” etc. So recognize that this is just your subconscious mind keeping you safe from the unknown. It’s doing it’s job to keep you in the comfort and the familiar of the current habit. Honor it. Thank it for protecting you. Become aware of it WITHOUT JUDGEMENT OR SUPPRESSION. 


4-Simply put your head down and just look at the inch in front of you. That is it. “OK right now in this moment I choose to make a hard boiled egg.” Simple. small and right now. Just focus on the smallest action you can take in alignment right NOW!