Ways that you can set a good example for your kids

There is no doubt that being a parent is one of the toughest jobs.  There is so much that a parent has to do in order to raise your child the healthiest way possible.  A lot of questions surface about how to be a good role model for your kids.

Being a great role model for your kids is not always as easy as that sounds. Why? Because so many times, you do not realize that simple things you say and do during a normal day, is rubbing off on your child.

Things that may seem small to you, such as how you interact with other people and the language you use, really does affect your child’s upbringing.  Ever heard of monkey see monkey do? Well that’s what your kids do. They mimic what they see you do, so that’s why being a good role model for them is extremely important.

Making a strong effort to be a good role model for your kids separates you from being a good parent, to being an extraordinary parent

So how do you be a good role model for your kids?

1.Monitor your reactions.

Kids learn how to react to things by watching how we do. It is critically important that we do not react negatively to situations because then your kids learn to do that.  To be a great role model for your kids, think before you react to things. Take a deep breath and react with a gentle nature instead of a fiery tongue. It is extremely hard to do, but this is where your kids will learn to have positive reactions to things and to be conscious of how they are managing their emotions

2. Be someone they can count on.  

Always keep your word with your kids. If you tell them you will be somewhere at a certain time. Be there. Unless there is an emergency that prevents that of coarse. You want your kids to understand the importance of integrity and how good it is to have morals and values to where others can count on you. THye will not learn to be dependable if you are not. 

3. Healthy living

I completely understand that there are many times that you cannot eat at the dinner table as a family and go to the gym to exercise. There are however, plenty of times to where you could. Try your best to teach your kids about healthy living, This includes not eating fast food every day, and trying to eat at home sometimes.

 Being active outside when possible so that your kids get activity is crucial to a healthy lifestyle. It gets them off of their electronics and outside in nature.  This is great for spending quality time with them, which all goes into healthy living too. 

4.  Admit when you are wrong

Teaching your kids to be honest and take ownership of wrong doings is essential to their healthing upbringing.  As hard as it is, when you do something wrong, fess up and be honest about it. This is a great role model for leading by example on how to stay a humble and honest person.  

Hopefully these tips will give you some good insight on how to be a good role model for your kids. Like i said earlier, it is not always easy, but there are things you can do to set a good example for them.