When you are 20 you think you know what you want. To live in a bustling city, have a glamorous apartment, a big job etc… But, sometimes what you need is exactly the opposite of what you think you want. 

I moved to Dallas for grad school and absolutely loved it. I loved the hustle and bustle and that there were so many opportunities open to me. As I began to dabble in entrepreneurship, I started to question my lifestyle choices. I realized how my environment and surroundings were not only impacting me, but also my business. When you are surrounded by noise and business, that energy impacts you. It can make you feel rushed, more overwhelmed and less centered. 

When I made the choice to move from the city to the Kentucky suburbs my life changed. The slower pace helped me find more balance in my business and personal life and my business thrived too. I was able to launch more thoughtfully, say no when things didn’t serve me and focus on growing sustainably. 

There are a few key things I attribute to my business’s success, and you don’t have to move across the country to use them. 

Tip #1: Rest is Important

This is the number one thing I see my clients struggle with and I would argue that this is the most common pitfall for new entrepreneurs. The earlier you realize the importance of rest, the better. When I was in Dallas I worked every single day. I stayed up late, sacrificed my weekends. All the things I told clients not to do. When I moved the shower pace of life convinced me to slow down and prioritize rest. Now, I don’t work on weekends, some days I’m working until 3pm and others I just check emails while walking my dog. The biggest takeaway is that your business should be able to run itself without you, the more you rest the more you scale. 

Tip #2: Keep your life and business separated 

It’s so easy to let your business become your entire life. I’ve been there, it’s your baby and a lot is riding on its success. But, as many entrepreneurs can attest, taking time away from your business to just be a normal person is essential. Our business can support the life we want but there has to be some separation. This can be as simple as putting your phone down when you are with loved ones, turning “do not disturb” on at a designated time each day, having an evening routine that lets you separate your work day from time off (especially important when you work from home), have a designated work space and only do work there. And most importantly don’t feel guilty for taking time away from your business to enjoy friends and family, a weekend trip to the winery with friends is my go-to. 

Tip #3: Being grounded makes you more money 

You don’t make more money when you are stressed out. Contrary to what is told to you about the need to hustle harder, feeling centered and grounded is what you and your business needs. For me it’s all about the environment. The busy city life didn’t make me feel grounded so I went for a slower pace environment. If you can’t determine where you live, focus on the little aspects of your work space, do plants, candles or art help you? Music? Whatever works for you!

Tip #4: Keep your eyes on vision

Don’t get distracted by what others are doing, stay focused on your end goal. This is different for everyone, maybe it’s writing a book, getting to spend more time with your kids, speaking on big stages, opening a brick and mortar location? Write down your goals and do everything you can to get there. Every step gets you closer. 

You don’t have to move across the country to give yourself a better life and business, whether you are in Manhattan or the middle of Ohio, these steps can help you find balance and thrive.
