The ongoing COVID-19 outbreak has resulted in the closure of offices, social distancing, and stay-at-home directives, which in turn, have given rise to a major and steady increase in virtual interactions.

With millions of people all over world trying to maintain their productivity, stay digitally connected, and beat boredom, the cloud has emerged as the proverbial unsung hero in these trying times. Whether it is e-commerce, remote project management, video calls and meetings, virtual schooling, gaming, or video streaming, the cloud is successfully meeting the unprecedented rise in demand.

The Case for Cloud Computing in Corona Times

The global coronavirus pandemic has compelled most organizations to close their offices. With businesses of all sizes going the remote way, cloud solutions are proving to be more useful than ever. An overwhelming number of people are harnessing cloud infrastructures with the help of the internet.

The question to ask is, can the cloud handle this staggering pressure? The answer is a thumping yes!

This is evident from the fact that cloud goliaths like Amazon have already conveyed their confidence in the ability of their cloud service to meet the surge in demand.

However, the unexpected and unplanned migration to the cloud has resulted in minor hiccups for some cloud-based platforms. Microsoft, for example, was said to be experiencing technical issues due to increased usage and bandwidth. However, these snags are usually temporary, with systems up and running soon after.

The bottom line is, it helps to be prepared to scale cloud volume according to the demand. Having an experienced cloud management service provider, who can help you do so, in your corner will ensure a smooth migration of your processes along with top-notch infrastructure maintenance so your business operations remain unaffected.

To truly make sense of the viability of the cloud, it is crucial to understand its mechanisms.

The Cloud Environment and Its Workings

Simply put, the cloud ecosystem is divided into front-end and back-end. The front-end of cloud computing is managed by the client or any user. The back-end comprises computers, servers, data storage devices, virtual systems, and more. This is where the cloud environment, the data, and the various functionalities are stored. The front-end and back-end are connected through the internet.

Other components such as middleware and cloud resources are also part of cloud computing. The cloud uses a network layer to connect the various devices and provide access to data and functionalities. The entire ecosystem is managed through a dedicated central server, which also manages traffic.

Whether you hire cloud management services in Berlin, Germany or invest in cloud computing in Genève, Switzerland, being on the cloud will help your businesses circumvent the chaos from the coronavirus lockdown regardless of your location. Factors such as affordability, scalability, and ease of maintenance make cloud solutions an attractive option for businesses of all sizes.

How the Cloud Is Emerging a Hero amid the Global Pandemic

The cloud is proving to be a reliable ally in the current situation. Here’s how.

1. Ensuring Business Continuity

Cloud solutions come equipped with features like data backup, disaster recovery, and business continuity management. This has ensured continued business operations during the current unexpected and unforeseen pandemic, where in-house IT systems may have been unusable.

Remote working capabilities supported by the cloud have ensured that user data and services are available at all times. Employees can log in from their computers as usual and work without a glitch. The cloud is also ensuring smooth integration of data while leveraging the latest technology to support your business goals.

In other words, reliability and continuity are major benefits that businesses can derive from cloud systems even during the Coronavirus pandemic.

2. Enabling Secure E-commerce

Lockdown or no lockdown, there is always the need to buy food items and household supplies. Online retailers have been depending on the cloud to keep their operations running flawlessly, especially since there is a spike in demand.

Stores running on traditional web-hosted platforms will probably experience downtime due to their inability to handle the traffic surge. Cloud-hosting platforms, on the other hand, are highly scalable and flexible, protecting businesses from disruption.

Further, modern cloud solutions are better armed to deal with online security issues and cybercrimes such as debit/credit card fraud, data breaches, DDoS attacks, hacking, phishing, ransomware, dark cloud attacks, and so. Experienced cloud operators work with security agencies and law enforcement officials to detect, mitigate, and keep cyber threats at bay.

3. Keeping Everyone Connected

While remote work existed even before the rise of cloud computing and the Coronavirus outbreak, it was rife with inefficiencies and technical difficulties. However, remote work is now widespread, and cloud computing is providing considerable productivity improvements for all tasks.

Thanks to cloud technology, remote work is being carried out with ease. Whether it is accounting, back office tasks, writing and editing, engineering, online marketing, web designing, consulting, or other jobs, there is a cloud-based solution for almost every job.

Companies like Upwork and Freelancer have been leveraging the cloud to enable uninterrupted access to their services from any location. Communication tools like TeamViewer, Skype, Slack, WhatsApp, and Zoom are powered by cloud technology to provide unceasing and steady services. Project management platforms such as Basecamp, Asana, and Trello are helping employees and clients manage projects and stay on the same page from anywhere.

4. Supporting Healthcare Services

Cloud solutions are proving to be indispensable for the healthcare sector amid the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. Most healthcare organizations have moved their data to the cloud to optimize patient outcomes. Timely cloud adoption has helped enhance the ability to analyze data and improve response in the face of the pandemic.

Further, the cloud is also helping healthcare establishments curb unnecessary IT costs related to purchasing equipment and providing physical space for a separate IT department. Cloud solutions have also facilitated interoperability through data and system integrations.

That’s not all. The cloud is playing a big role in supporting telemedicine and telehealth, enabling healthcare providers to offer their services from faraway places.

5. Facilitating Nonstop Entertainment

Cloud technology is enabling streaming services such as Netflix, HBO Go, Amazon Prime Video, and others to keep people entertained through their extensive movies and series directories. Online video games on mobile devices or consoles are also helping people have fun and keep monotony away during the quarantine and isolation.

Social media platforms are establishing an extent of connection among people to prevent boredom and avoid serious issues such as depression and anxiety.

Cloud technology is helping all these web-powered services keep up with the traffic surge, preventing downtime and frustration among users.


Thanks to the cloud, the world is able to fight Coronavirus with technology. Business have managed to stay operational and people are connected even amid stringent lockdowns. Given the current situation spurred by the coronavirus outbreak, one thing is clear: businesses need to deal with this pandemic strategically. Migrating to reliable cloud platforms will be an advantageous first step. Have you been using the cloud to your benefit? Do let us know about your experiences through your comments.
