People write to me all the time. Unfortunately, they do so after they’ve missed out on a promotion.

I sure wish they’d reach out to me prior, as in most cases, I could have helped to ensure that the promotion went to them.

Don’t be like most people.

If you’re one of the many people who believe promotions are awarded based on performance alone, you are sadly mistaken.

The fasted route to getting a promotion is to focus on your boss and making him or her look like a hero.

I call this managing up, which I write about extensively in my book, Suddenly in Charge: Managing Up, Managing Down, Succeeding All Around. When your boss looks good, you look great!

Take a look at the big problems your boss is trying to solve. Then help him or her do so. That’s how you get tapped on the shoulder come promotion time.

You also need to remind your boss of your contribution to the big picture. Bosses are busy people. You may think they’ll remember you were the one who came up with the $20M cost saving idea that resulted in their promotion. Most likely not. And certainly not if you don’t remind them.

Here are two important things to keep in mind as you look to advance in the organization.

If you don’t toot your own horn in a sea of cubicles, you’ll never be heard. And if you don’t manage up, you won’t have to worry about managing down.

I welcome your thoughts in the comment section below.

© Matuson Consulting, 2019.

Want to ensure the next promotion goes to you? I’m putting together a new offering for people interested in rapidly achieving greater success at work. I’m calling this the “Me Project.” You’ll pick ONE goal and for 60 days, the focus will be on you and moving that goal forward rapidly. Some of you may choose to work on landing your next promotion. Or you may seek help in finding your next job opportunity. You may elect to gain more work-life balance or change a behavior that is holding you back. Contact me at [email protected] to get going.