Faith comes on all sizes. Whether you need a little faith or a lot of it, we use faith in so many ways throughout our life. Sometimes faith is showed in the little things that we don’t consciously think about, but believe in, such as every morning when we sit in the front seat of our car … we have faith it will start. Faith is such an interesting topic to talk about. There are many different opinions and definitions around the word faith and even the word itself almost immediately draws people to associate it with religion.

Faiths Foundation

A word of caution. Actually, a paragraph of it. I caution you to not build your foundation on any particular career path – not many people are in the field they promised themselves when they were younger. Don’t create and build your foundation on a thrill that won’t last – the entire word thrill is something that fleets after a short period of time, meaning it is not something that lasts. Don’t build your foundation on your talent – the best athlete in the world can be sidelined with one wrong move or failed effort. Don’t even build your foundation on any one earthly relationship – people shouldn’t complete you, they should in effect compliment you (but that is for another article).

Simply, we shouldn’t pursue those things that have no lasting value. Your foundation, my foundation, should be built on the only thing that lasts… faith. 

Level Up Your Faith Talk

Are you a person that has faith? If you are and do have faith, then you have what it takes to tackle and handle your problems and challenges before they tackle and handle you. If you have that kind of faith – that confident hope – that Full Assurance In Truths Hand – then you have what it takes to know how to handle whatever life sends your way.

Hold It Close

People, places, problems will attack you and pick at you from all angles when you least expect it attempting to tear you apart, sometimes quickly like a lion who hasn’t eaten in a month or subtly like little words daily in your ear over a decade of time telling you that you are worthless.  The one thing that NO ONE can take away from you is your faith. The world can and will try to strip everything away from you. Everything you have, everything you are, everything you strive to be. Ever read or hear stories about the survivors of Prisoner Of War camps? What was it that kept them through it all? Faith. No one can take away your faith and because no one can, grab that faith, clutch it tightly, never let it go, solidify it as the anchor of your soul.  

Clearing The Air

One of life’s misconceptions is that when one is dealing with life’s struggles and challenges that it is wrong to ask why. Especially inside if religious circles that someone who is a believer should simply accept and never question. What should be remembered and modeled for yourself, your family, and those around you is a total reliance on truth, even in the midst of questioning. Take any strong leader or ‘hero’ of the Bible and you will see they all questioned God, sometimes even God’s existence. In this realm it is not sin to doubt. It is not sin to question. Sincere asking is what growing in faith is all about. Honest questions will never have a blind eye or back turned. Perhaps one reason why we do not receive answers to those “why’s” in our lives is because we lack the capacity to understand the reason. Perhaps it is out of protection and not persuasion that the truth is not fully revealed, even though we know the truth is there. If you are a parent, you understand this concept well.

In learning how to exercise faith, we must accept the fact that we may never know the whole answer or even part of the answer, but we know who has the answers. Make your faith an independent dogged faith firmly planted in truth. Make yourself fully aware. FAITH is a Full Assurance In Truths Hand. Make sure you know what hand you are looking at.
