Improve Emotional and Physical Wellness

In the health system, human resources are essential because they represent an important part of the health budget and have a direct impact on the efficiency and effectiveness of services and the quality of services. Concerns include strategic support, appropriate training, adequate compensation, and community outreach.

The challenges of health managers no longer focus only on professional competence, but also on adapting to better techniques and employing new technologies for improving healthcare as a whole.

As the systems have evolved towards a scientific-technical conception of care, healthcare facilities have abandoned diagnosis based on intuition. Healthcare Industry has joined and developed great technological advances such as making use of (Health Information Management) HIM program.

The incorporation of a clear methodology of quality has allowed the establishment of solutions to address major problems and dimensions of health. HIM allows continuous evaluation of processes and results.

HIM achieves the objective of establishing improvement actions and favoring the continuous improvement of interventions in community and individual health. Also, proper registration and the establishment of clear, simple and reproducible indicators is allowing benchmarking between professionals and institutions.

1. What is Health Information Management?

The proper functioning of its department of health information management (HIM) is a reflection of the rest of the organization. As the core of patient information, each task, from the scanning of medical records to the fulfillment of the requests for the delivery of medical records, must be carried out smoothly.

2. What function does health information management play in Medical Facilities?

Medical and hospital management is mainly associated with patient care.

Incorporating Health Information Management allows the following:

  • Automatically identify external medical records according to the type of document, as they enter the organization
  • Establish a complete patient record, which is immediately available to doctors and authorized personnel
  • Ensure the confidentiality of patient medical records
  • Aid in running diagnostics by automating deficiency management and conclusion
  • Raise customer satisfaction levels by completing medical records delivery orders quickly.
  • Reduce the days of accounts receivable and accounts with the status: discharged, without final billing, by using the image coding
  • Complying with standards with audit trails and a centralized and secure content repository
  • Efficiently handle data from scanning to delivery of medical records

3. HIM is not only for medical facilities

By automating Health Information Management, many facilities concentrate on their key performance indicators. Managers have improved in their duties visibly. Health information management solutions go beyond scanning and retrieving documents, as they improve a lot of tasks.

  • Electronically record medical questionnaires, interview records, etc.
  • Improve operational efficiency with interview schedule management and notification function to the target person, the HR department, and supervisor
  • Manage employee health records in chronological order and provide appropriate health guidance
  • Can be linked with the personnel system and attendance system
  • Health information is encrypted and stored securely
  • Corresponding to the stress check system based on the revised Industrial Safety and Health Act
  • Optimal health guidance is provided accordingly after assessing the patterns in the data secured.

4. Benefits of Health information management system

The main benefits of implementing a business solution of this nature are:

  • Improve levels of patient care service.
  • Generate statistical information on health care services.
  • Facilitate the operation and control of medical units.
  • Optimize the use of the necessary resources for medical care.
  • Facilitate the planning of health care programs.

5. Dissemination of Knowledge for research and welfare

Imagine the possibility of having a unique medical history that integrates an electronic file and shows the record of all medical care in your life. Now imagine that you share this unique medical history between different health care entities (both public and private). It sounds like a hard dream to believe.

However, this is possible with Health Information Management. Health care facilities use HIM for standardizing the contents of a file, according to worldwide standards, both surgical procedures, the definition of diseases, clinical diagnoses, nursing procedures, and medications.

Government health institutions aim at improving patient care procedures and administering health care products and services around the patient.

Both the private and public sectors require a medical history. This data allows streamlining and optimizing health care services and record all the care procedures around the patient.

Through Health Information Management, facilities can devise the procedure for isolated systems for laboratory control, clinical analysis, and hospital administrative systems.


Health Information Management not only applies to the health dimension, but it also allows establishing performance evaluation systems and skills management.  It helps in establishing clear and powerful knowledge management profiles and strategies. The communication of the results is essential for professionals to know their degree of performance and the impact they generate on health, in addition to establishing themselves as motivating strategies for continuous improvement.
